El Grand Fromage

Heigl or GTFO

close, but no cigar

Magnum & Higgins had ….. an arrangement

The first half is good fun, but it falls apart really quickly & badly, the last hour or so is a shambles.

Tom Hardy is just trolling us at this point. He turns up periodically as a Jewish Gangster in Peaky Blinders & it's impossible to pick out more than one word in five. His acting spirit guide seems to be Rowley Birkin QC

Stupid as well. Of course they don't serve beer in hell. Beer good, Hell bad. This is Bible 101 people.

"obvious anagram Reince Priebus"

Is she still in The Strain?, can't remember and avoiding spoilers.

"I'm drinking wine and eating cheese, and catching some rays, you know. Woof. Woof. Woof."

The Wild West beta of Grindr had a few bugs.

It's massive in the UK, it's basically replaced organised religion.

Just goes to show, I would have said the exact opposite, Dirty Dozen has a whole anti-hero Oceans 1x vibe in my brain.

Horse or Ethan?

Eh, I realise Chris Pratt is the next Harrison Ford/Jesus & Denzel is Denzel but this film happens to be my actual "El Guapo"

I know, I know, I love me some Donald Sutherland but there's a reason stoner WW2 comedies are not a genre

Kelly's Heroes … has not aged well, it's so much of it's time. I suppose Fury is the bizarro world sequel.

Which has pretty much the plot of Magnificent Seven

The Something Something Meh-ven.

Yes, there's a couple of action set pieces, but most of the film is people hanging around and characters talking

Magnificent Seven has a lot of subtle moments. The McQueen/Brynner opening scene where they're burying the Indian in the face of the townpeople's racism. The Robert Vaughan character with PTSD. O'Reilly explaining to the village kids that their fathers are braver than him. Great script, amazing cast, iconic theme