
The next spring after this shot the city dug 20 feet down and replaced everything and then repaved. new sewer, water, power, storm drains, curbs, everything. hopefully it will all last until I am long dead. We are first ring older suburb. in the city you can see cobblestones at the bottom of the potholes. 

That was a discussion we had, that its injuries might have tainted the meat. I don’t recall the details but I do remember she said that it wasn’t going to get up again.  She grew up hunting and eating everything from trout to bear so if she tells me it’s not getting up, I believe her.

But enough about nightclubs...

  • The 1970's were brown yellow and orange.

Rats on stilts.

I know this feel all too well. I too had one of my favorite cars cut down my what I thought was a brown road sign that suddenly turned into the road early one morning.

I mean the public has already revoked consent to drive wasted, dunno if you’re aware of that 

But that’s, you know, illegal.


I am! I’ve got to keep busy somehow and honestly, dunking on Tesla stans is both easy and satisfying.

That’s not a reasonable comparison, though. Jim-Bob is explicitly breaking the law by drinking and driving, and can thus be held accountable.

1st Gear: Tesla’s cavalier attitude about testing self driving systems is precisely why we need increased regulation of these kinds of driving aids.

Full spectrum color was only discovered in the 80s.”

And then somehow we forgot about color in automobiles in the last decade or so. Nearly everything on the road these days is black, white, silver, or tan.

The 1970's were brown yellow and orange.

Let people hate things.

Well given that value is subjective, yes, I can determine based on my dislike of this car that it’s not a car I’d purchase.

Where I live it’s Chargers. Guaranteed deadly douche bros. Next is bro dozers.


I’m stealing all of those phrases. Brilliant.