
Are you just trying to get people to star this post for you?

$31k for a 15 year old BMW is crazy regardless of the mileage. No dice.

2nd Gear: Hang on, you’re telling me there are issues of racism at the company run by a trust fund kid whose family got all of their money by exploiting labor issues in Apartheid era South Africa?

Tomatoes are gross. Fight me.


There’s THIS....and then there’s the rest of Jalopnik. Hard to believe this is on the same site. Thanks for the awesome posts Mr. Tracy. One of the only reasons I keep coming back.

Exactly. I always get nervous flying, not phobic, but a drink or two calms me right down. Difference is I don’t turn into a belligerent dick, I get happy and content and just watch movies and suddenly think “why does airline food get such a bad rap? It’s pretty tasty!”

They always look like you expect them to.

In addition to criminal charges, which great, seem to be increasing, stick these morons immediately on the no fly list. Air travel is not a right, if you demonstrate you can’t handle it, you get to fly never.

Come on...

Are you really trying to find ways to improve this design?

From the ad:

12 yards long, 2 lanes wide,
65 tons of American Pride!

Just because a lot of people like a thing doesn’t make it good. 

I am willing to subscribe to this theory.

If they voted him out, they’d have to admit they were wrong in the first place. Their specific brand of moral cowardice is based on their absolute terror of discovering they are not right all the time. That someone else could be right, and they’d have to admit it, even a tacit admission, is the worst possible thing

Why do these assholes all look like thumbs?

Yeah drivers finally had a few months to go “dammit I’m not working!...but wait, I’m the same level of poor I was when I was working, this doesn’t make sense!”...until maybe it finally did start making sense to some of them. 

Disrupting the disrupters!