Can we talk about that little window-breaking slingshot thingy cuz I’ve never seen one and that looked pretty simple and effective.
Can we talk about that little window-breaking slingshot thingy cuz I’ve never seen one and that looked pretty simple and effective.
That’s a fair response. It’s not like the turkey was inedible. It was fine. But that’s just it, it was fine. And to be clear, we used the fryer on more than one occasion. We gave it a legitimate chance and seriously, I’m a good cook. Truthfully I think maybe we just cook a damn good oven roasted turkey so the deep…
Honestly, we bought a turkey deep fryer years ago and we were disappointed with the result. We took all the requisite precautions in using the thing; it can be done safely and we also had a large outdoor space to cook. So it’s not about the dangers of using the deep fryer at all. Maybe it was the hype and we expected…
Hilarious. Our first trip to Vegas was back in the mid-90's. We went in February and while we knew it was offseason and winter, we also rented a convertible Corvette for a drive to the Grand Canyon. One thing we did not take into account was that there could be snow anywhere along this trip. Well imagine our tourist…
I actually do know exactly how to do this. I’m defintiely not going to explain it here but let’s just say you can’t just do it with your own money, there are loans involved and a business line is pretty key. Even though it doesn’t look as though he took any steps to hide/protect any of the money, something you…
I’m not sure that the Porsche Cayenne qualifies as a “great” vehicle but it’s certainly capable. But every other one in my area wears the battle scars of assorted parking garage scrapes and various other minor dents and marks. I guess mall crawling is the equivalent of off-roading for most of these drivers, so they…
Hey, if they’ll give you 0% APR you can get your monthly to come in just under $800 over 480 months, so, yeah why not?
Made a couple transatlantic flights as an unaccompanied minor in the 70's. Staff just gave me a shot of whiskey and a pack of Pall Malls and I was good. Man, kids these days.
Also known as your mom’s house.
Don’t recall, just rebrand. Say that your bag of dinosaurs may come with a surprise iron meteorite, just like the one that killed them off.
Surveillance is always pitched as a safety thing but you can bet that somehow someway there is monetary incentive for DoorDash to do this and if they were transparent about their motivations they know they’d get a lot more pushback.
I don’t use third-party delivery apps at all because I can’t abide ordering something that I know to be $30 on the menu and see a final checkout price of $48 and then still have to tip. Fuck off with that nonsense, go disrupt your mom.
He wanted to see if it would fit.
What a complete shitshow. Honestly for every overpriced dollar Vegas (the city) gets from the F1-Instagram attendees, they’re going to lose $10 from their regular visitors who are going to learn to avoid the whole place like the plague for months leading up to this boondoggle event.
A Prowler wouldn’t be batshit insane but it would be batshit dangerous, which might even be better.
To say it was the worst is a stretch but the Ideal TCR (Total Control Racing) Slotless track car set that supposedly gave you the ability to pass other “slot” cars was disappointing. It came with “jam cars” that just moved slowly around the track circuit and a switch on your car control was supposed to let you change…
Of course. That’s the beauty of private enterprise in general; make your rules and let the market decide whether they’re good rules or not.
Not a fan of the wheels but counterpoint, that Gremlin dragster is amazing.
The issue I’d have is that “unable to parent” seems pretty arbitrary. Who gets to decide when and how parenting crosses the line into “bad” territory and justifies a fee?
I get that the cops can’t give this guy any exceptions but at the same time, if that’s the actual car in the photos, who is mistaking it for an active duty highway patrol car? I mean I might pull over but only because I’d expect to get Mr. Lahey’s autograph.