El Generalissimo, the Second

Let’s slow down with that Cracker/Katya comparison. One of the things I loved about Katya on Drag Race (that she lost a little bit with her Trixya ventures) is that she never seemed calculated or put-on. I can see the wheels turning in Cracker’s head in a way I never saw with Katya.

How was The Vixen not in the bottom? I disagree with you, that was Jiggly-level to me.

That read from Trixie was AMAZING.

Agree about Adore. She looked real good tonight.

I’m so excited, this was such a great premiere episode. I didn’t hate All Stars but there’s nothing like having a group of fresh queens duke it out. I also really love that each episode is 90 minutes long, it never felt like they were rushing through things like before. Everything about this episode was so good. Tens


Wow, what an episode! Where the premiere of season 9 felt like there was a foundation of everyone being solid, this felt like there was extraordinary talent in every corner. Some of my favorites are:

ALRIGHT KITTENS, Let’s get into this:

Petition to keep Vanessa on as color commentary. Her interviews were hilarious.

Sure, Snoke gets offed a little too simply.

Take no more breaths.

Past time for the payback:

I know you are joking....but I don’t know that isn’t what actually happened.

Just want to say “Thank You” to the African American voters of Alabama for keeping American from embarrassing ourselves once again.

They are, but they smashed their Keurigs a few weeks ago.


I was a political science major, and I have been doing a lot of thinking about what a Jones upset would mean. It’s pretty significant, and requires a fair amount of nuanced thinking. So I apologize in advance if this gets kind of dense and long, but here’s the analysis of someone who studies and thinks about this

Donald Trump threw the full weight of the White House behind Moore.

And I like the moral murkiness of what her power constitutes, and her attempts to do good with it even though there isn’t a lot she can do that won’t be some kind of suspect in some way.

On the one hand, I keep having to tell DC fans that I don’t want their movies to fail, that I actually want a good Batman, a good Superman movie.