
Why do I remember every last damned word of this song, while completely forgetting everything USEFUL I learned in 1988, such as, oh I dunno, ALGEBRA, just for starters?

I scanned this entire comments thread looking for a single reference to Cave Johnson or Tenzin, and here are both of them, in the very last comment. You have saved the Internet for me today, kind Forest Cat, please accept this upvote as my humble offering of thanks

Since I don't have time to read that chat archive, let me guess. Reed left AS because of the untimely demise of Frisky Dingo/The Xtacles.

How far in are you, anyway? I'm not quite 10 hours in which is definitely "beginning" as far as these kind of games go.

I picked up (the second-to-last copy of) Bravely Default at my local Gamestop the other day. Overall I really like it, Square could have easily named it "Final Fantasy 3DS" and been done with it but I get that they want this to be its own little thing. My only complaint about the game is that the writing and voice

I used to be in to 90s alt girls, but then Luise Rainer turned 100. Now it's just Betty White and a whole lotta nothin' else

No, he's talking about Matthew Goode, and there's plenty more hate for him farther down in this thread.

Yep, Jazz is my favorite too. "Fat Bottomed Girls" is a great precursor for the ass-rock mini genre that would later take off with "Baby Got Back", and like others have already said here, I have no idea how "Don't Stop Me Now" did not become an iconic gay anthem.

I had never heard of Flappy Bird until the announcement that it was discontinued. I was inspired to learn about the game and possibly ask my friends if any of them had a copy I could try, but then I found out that yes, it is sfcave. I spent about 4 hours with that game on a Palm Pilot 15 years ago. That was enough for

How long does it take to complete the Pokemon Y main game? I'm not very far into it, mostly due to my Mario fandom and persistent PC gaming itch (which I will probably be scratching this weekend in Path of Exile and The Stanley Parable)

What's this about playing the 3DS and having friends? I picked up a 3DS a couple months ago (and Animal Crossing, and Pokemon Y, and a pile of Mario games) precisely because I don't have any friends. Is this something to do with StreetPass?

What about Big Head Todd and the Monsters, and Cephalic Carnage?

Not that I'm a wacko uber-fan of Maynard or anything (OK I do own three Tool albums, plus a Puscifer EP, and I saw Tool live at Ozzfest 15 years ago) but his Caduceus vineyard and shop in northern Arizona is a seriously cool scene. It's well worth a side trip next time any of you hipsters find yourself in Sedona,

Well to be fair, the parents of Arcade Fire band member Regine Chassagne are Haitian, so they had a pretty good reason to be there.

OK, I was exaggerating when I made that (overly subtle) joke. Here's the actual tale of the tape on the Three Mountains:

Upper-class sleaze is perfect, especially considering Waymar Royce's portrayal in S1

Nope, they found a new guy who's about as big as the first two Mountains put together (see below)

Yes, Gregor Clegane has been recast yet again.

Awesome, mine does that too, especially while perched atop the bannister. A lot of the time he will be waiting for me there at 7AM when I wake up and open the bedroom door. He'll arch up to make himself 18" tall, and then try to swat me with his paw if I'm within 2 feet. It's like my "Good Morning" curse from him -

As custodian of "Metatron," a 6 year old male black cat, I can confirm that most of these fictional depictions of black cat behavior are fairly accurate. Other amusing behaviors include: