It’s Stuber, not Struber. It’s about a guy named Stu who drives an Uber. Nanjiana plays Stu and Dave Bautista plays the Uber.
It’s Stuber, not Struber. It’s about a guy named Stu who drives an Uber. Nanjiana plays Stu and Dave Bautista plays the Uber.
The sick bastards would rather get her to want to kill herself.
Actually, I remember her pretty much only from Arliss, so I think of her primarily as doing comedy. I never watched Grey’s Anatomy and Killing Eve is on my to-watch list but I just haven’t gotten there yet. So to me, it’ll be a shock to see her doing drama.
Why did they have to announce that it will take effect next week, effectively giving the racists and other assorted assholes time to download and backup all of their garbage? Would’ve been much better to say “It goes into effect riiiiiight NOW” and make all of the affected pages inaccessible immediately.
Actually, I think Ruffalo has it harder than most of the rest of the cast. He does the black suit with ping-pong balls thing for all of Hulk’s movements and facial expressions.
Honestly, I’m not sure if I’ve heard that elsewhere or came up with it on my own. But please, feel free to spread it. I’ve found it good for taking the wind out of the self-righteous blowhards.
Give it a rest. Cake batter is not a cake. Cookie dough is not a cookie. The “unborn” are not babies.
The State is supposed to represent the will and best interests of all the people. The state should never support or do business with any company that views or treats some residents of the state as lesser or inequal. This is not about choices. It is about respect.
From what I’ve seen and heard, I’d be OK if his name could be pronounced “Mis-ter Prez-i-dent.”
I’d have sworn that Esther was voiced by Cloris Leachman, but it was Kerri Kenney-Silver.
The worst part about any environmental plan is that it has to be big and all-encompassing. It can’t be half-assed or done in phases. We have to think of the environmental crisis as a dam that’s burst and you can’t decide to just fix half the dam. so when AOC lays out all of the things that need to be addressed and…
OK, it’s clear you’re a Canadian troll paid for by Big Fart. “Fart-flavoured” indeed.
He’s from New Jersey so he grew up with weather and misses it.
On the bright side, the chances of Trout ever embarrassing his team or doing anything that would require a PR damage control team are effectively zero. He may be the squeakiest clean player in the big leagues today. his hobby is the weather. And if it weren’t for that pesky Byron Allen, I bet Trout would be on the…
Seriously, there was nothing mocking about it. It was a very sincere movie about a man who can be professionally vulgar and personally shy at the same time. It even got a 95% on Rotten Tomatoes. You can check it out on Hulu.
Seriously, there was nothing mocking about it. It was a very sincere movie about a man who can be professionally vulgar and personally shy at the same time. It even got a 95% on Rotten Tomatoes. You can check it out on Hulu.
In fact, it’s right here:
I read elsewhere of a rather sane class-action suit filed by two students rejected by one of the implicated schools demanding the return of their application fees plus damages for time spent preparing the applications. The rationale is that it is reasonable to assume that the admission process is fair and merit-based…
Then just change the first ‘the’ to ‘that’, insert a comma after ‘sense’ and remove the second ‘that.’ Then it makes sense.
It turned out that Rosalyn had a nut allergy...