Well, he found a woman who can put up with him and all of his eccentricities. More power to him.
Well, he found a woman who can put up with him and all of his eccentricities. More power to him.
Or vice-versa.
And Ice Capades shows. And for rides/attractions at Disney theme parks. And toys.
They could’ve at least let Tudyk do Iago and cast Gilbert in another role where he could use his “Old Groucho” voice.
Moses Storm hosts the Team Coco monthly stand-up event at Dynasty Typewriter in LA. Prior to the tour, Storm performed most of that routine for the audience and killed. Of course, most of the audience was there to see Conan doing standup, so it was the perfect audience for that bit then too.
Yes, thank you. It was in the opening credits of the fake doc as well that the cameraman was his father, which also explained why the camera was slow to follow him sometimes.
That could be considered an invasion of privacy. Plus they had little reason to distrust the word of a union officer.
So Yaphit gets an award for bravery. I’m fine with that. But wouldn’t you think Ty might get a little recognition at the same ceremony? He’s the one who sent the signal out. Otherwise everything Yahpit did was meaningless.
Leyna would not let them scan her.
Well, now I know how I’ll be celebrating next Valentine’s Day to show my wife how much I love her...
You just know Louise is going to grow up and become the world’s best guidance counselor. Her secret will be trying to be really bad at it.
The Janitor!
I doubt the Krill expected Gordon would survive. There’s little about him that inspires trust or confidence unless you already know him.
Let’s let the Moclans be the Moclans and the Krill be the Krill. Why do we have to assign them any analogs to Trek races? Let them be their own species with their own motivations and maybe we’ll be surprised in the process.
They only do four nights a week. And the extra time could be taken up by half interview and half skits. There are many nights when, because of guests and A Closer Look there are no skits at all. I’m sure they could fill the time easily.
And it’s not just Amber. Add Jenny Hagel and Ally Hord who both get a lot of screen time and credit. Seth seems more than happy to share the spotlight with his entire crew. With Carson Daly’s show finally folding, I’d love to see Late Night expanded to 90 minutes to make more room for skits, since they work well as an…
Barney Miller’s style would be too subtle for MacFarland. Though I’m not unhappy with The Orville as it is.
It’s not that hard. You simply say “Hi there. I couldn’t help but notice you’ve lost a lot of weight,” and leave it just open-ended like that. Don’t phrase it as a positive or a negative, just state it as an observation. If the other person wants to volunteer information about how the weight loss occurred, they will.…
They just rent them for the day. There are warehouses full of various cars in the Burbank/Universal City area specifically for vehicles to use in movies and TV.
From the looks of it, there’s a plastic sick inside the jar that should, in theory, slide down a little with each pump and hopefully scrape the side so that there is less left sticking to the sides. But it’s more likely to be made of really cheap plastic and work once or twice at best before breaking.