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    Aria’s buffet is in the upper echelon as well.

    Gluttony is probably the least of the sins people to go Vegas to commit.

    For anyone concerned about the high price, there are discounts available at Groupon.

    While the days of the $1.99 buffets are long gone, everyone knew them that they were loss leaders to get people in the door. The prices started going up when the city became more family friendly and the casinos didn’t want to take a hit on food when parents brought their kdis to eat and didn’t go gambling afterward.

    Thank you for this. It’s something I’ve long suspected but could never have been certain about.

    Ever seen the word VEIN before?

    I saw him at a taping of Conan about six years ago and it was pretty apparent then that he had some severe physical issues just getting to the couch. But once the interview began he lit up as if there was nothing wrong at all. He’s a trouper.

    I strongly recommend for any Bob Einstein fans that you find either of his appearances on Gilbert gottfried’s Amazing Colossal Podcast. They may be behind a paywall on Stitcher, but they tend to make them free after whenever a former guest has passed on. (Given the average age of Gottfried’s guests seems to be around

    This whole story is for the birds. And the guy who wrote that pun should be tarred and feathered.

    I’m sure there are hundreds of lawyers banging on his door to represent him in exchange for one-third of the huge, eventual settlement.

    Yes, they are horrible at controlling leaks. But the difference is that they didn’t expect anywhere near the level of scrutiny they’ve received. They seem to have thought, quite naively, that nobody would notice all the shenanigans. It’s pretty clear that’s one of the reasons why Trump does something so ridiculously

    Seems to be a safe assumption that he’s compensating for something...

    USC has a huge endowment. The exact opposite of this sick doctor.

    Yes. Yes she is.

    I first remembered her from the Judd Hirsch sitcom “Dear John” and I immediately picked up her voice as Grandma Fletcher on “Phineas & Ferb” opposite Malcolm McDowell as Grandpa Fletcher.

    Only slightly disappointed that this would still exclude Orel Hershiser. Though by the end of his career he had absolutely nothing left. I was at his next-to-last career start at Dodger Stadium when he hit five batters in the first inning-plus. The batters weren’t getting angry, they looked like they felt sorry for

    Ticket sales are almost an afterthought when looking at team income these days. Look at these average ticket prices.

    Too bad Howard Cosell is dead so we can’t get his perspective.

    OK, Reid has already lost the lawsuit and your picture is the proof. You took this in July 2017. The final Sharknado movie didn’t come out until 2018, so this machine predates that last movie. Reid’s lawsuit says that the contract containing the language preventing the use of her likeness was for that sixth and final

    I was in Vegas three days ago with my wife, saw this machine and wondered how much the actors whose likenesses get used on slot machines like get paid for it? Now we know that the answer is apparently zero.