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    Wow, you’ve got your moron game working today, don’t you. Or did you somehow never learn it was JFK that launched the program to send a man to the moon that was already in full swing when Nixon took office early in the same year that the moon landing occurred. Nixon deserves no credit whatsoever.

    My wife and I named our son Edison. The first time I’d heard it used as a first name was on Max Headroom and it just kind of stuck. Plus it’s unique without sounding made up or pretentious while being easy to spell and pronounce. He’s 19 now and to this day nobody has ever made a Max Headroom reference to him. I’m

    No, certainly can’t hate her, but she was 15 when she started on that show, right? So I certainly hope that had I actually watched more than a few episodes of the first season I would not have fixated on her.

    Just be glad it’s only your first names being appropriated. My name is Eric Forman. My handle is just my initials. And I FUCKING HATED That 70's Show. It was such a disappointment as it was from the same team that created Third Rock From the Sun, which I absolutely loved. But even today, people who are introduced to

    They were taught how to pass the tests. Instead of actual schooling they were essentially taking SAT prep courses all day long. So the scores were legit, it’s the rest of the transcripts that were garbage. Also, the colleges don’t get the scores from the schools, they are retrieved directly from College Board who

    Thanks. My wife and I frequently ask ourselves where we went right. It’s only disappointing when we realize our son is the outlier. He’s currently a college sophomore and just got admitted to an honor society that only selects a dozen kids from each graduating class, half of whom go on to Phi Beta Kappa.

    We frequented a Mongolian BBQ frequently when my kids were younger. When he was about eight my son asked if he could go make a plate by himself without having me or his mother accompany him. I said sure since from where we were sitting he wouldn’t be out of our sight. So he fills his bowl, adds some sauce and hands

    The way I like to phrase it is:

    Didn’t Cruz marry his beard years ago? RIMSHOT!!!

    At least the sex workers are providing an useful service. Before taxing them, how about starting with taxing the churches?

    It boils down to the fact that for the entire GOP and some Democrats, big corporations are virtually indistinguishable from the government. They believe that government exists to serve business and not the people, so of course things like addressing climate change will not happen if it’s going to negatively affect

    As much as I hate coming to Sajak’s defense, I’m pretty sure this is in response to one of those internet ads you see at the bottom of disreputable and semi-reputable websites that had a picture of him and another male with the caption “Pat Sajak and His Partner Living Together,” or something to the effect to imply tha

    I didn’t say you did. Everything Trump has done to date is negative and it’s pretty hard to do comedy about such an unprecedented disaster without reflecting that negativity back. I see the criticism of Trump, whether humorous or sober, as a positive, a sign that someone still cares about what is right and is willing

    As soon as Trump does something positive, please let us know and we’ll celebrate it. Nearly two years in and we’re still waiting...

    The problem is that I don’t see the Hackman-style Luthor meshing well with Supergirl. If anything, it would be closer to the Kevin Spacey version for it to work well, and honestly, I’m OK with that. I always thought Spacey was actually pretty good, certainly more menacing than Hackman was, plus his henchmen were

    Then can do that, but then they should bring him back anyway, because there’s no such thing as permanent death in the Marvel Universe.

    From Mark Evanier at www.newsfromme.com:

    It’s also a movie that, presuming Black Panther does not get nominated for Best Picture, will likely have grossed ten times all of the other Best Picture nominees combined. Infinity War is the kind of film that allows studios and actors to lose money on “prestige” projects that few people actually see. Take away these

    As an acting job though, the Emporer character looks a lot more fun to play than the Captain

    It will certainly be an interesting line they’ll have to dance around. But for Section 31 to have survived for what, at least eight decades, if not a lot longer, likely indicates they’ve provided some value to Star Fleet or it would have been eliminated somehow, even if they did hold some dirty secrets various