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    That sounds like the perfect advertising opportunity for mail-order magnifying glasses.

    Target™ - A clean, well-lighted place to take a shit in whichever bathroom suits your individuality.

    Did you even watch the show or read the article? There was nothing wrong with the headline.

    The New Monkees. The New Leave it to Beaver. The New Munsters.

    ST:TNG. And ST:DS9. And ST: Voyager. All three had very slow and uninteresting first seasons.

    Exactly. It just makes you wonder if that was their plan all along.

    Jordan Schlansky is clearly the third Crane brother.

    My wife and I watch Late Night the evening after it airs, so we won’t see this until tonight, but I can already sense my wife seething with anger over anyone who had an easier delivery than her five day trip through contractions and her inability to dilate properly. I think maybe I’ll just watch it online now and

    So she’s Steve Harvey’s secret daughter?

    Not everything has to be socially conscious and moralizing. Some things are allowed to just be fun. Legends is one of them. Perhaps you should stick with the smart science fiction on the channel dedicated to it and their thought provoking fare such as the Sharknado pentalogy.

    Is it too un-PC in 2018 to say that I hope Amaya stays on the show mostly because she’s freaking gorgeous? I’m tired of the whole totem storylines, but since this week’s episode is the season finale, I’m guessing that’ll all be wrapped up and her departure makes sense, but if there’s any way to keep her around I hope

    Michelle Wolf followed the Muppets. If you had your eyes closed you’d think it was still a Muppet on stage.

    I was going to say that might be a little too obscure for them, but then I remembered the Rita and Runt theme song name drops Fontanne and Lunt, so why not?

    I think a big part of it ss because the nutjobs think that any kind of birth control goes against the “go forth and multiply” line from their big book of fairy tails and horror stories and will piss off their sky daddy.

    What I’d really like to see is John Oliver take his point a step further and hire an actual nurse and certified ultrasound tech to take that van out in public and park it across from these pregnancy crisis centers with a bullhorn warning anyone entering the building that they are not true medical facilities.

    If you want to believe that, fine. Then work towards getting the laws changed. But don’t try to play fucking holier than thou by lying to women in crisis.

    She’s the one who put the nail in the coffin of Pinky and the Brain.

    Sure, but she had to couch it in terms of her religion to make it seem as if she were doing some kind of penance. She can’t do the right thing simply because it’s the right thing, but if she’s going to use religion to justify it, fuck her.

    Agreed, it’s probably what gave them the idea to use McDonalds in the first place. but there was also a storyline about a senior citizen getting a job at the McDonalds and having a teenager as a boss. There’s also the inevitable scene when placing an order than practically the entire menu gets name-checked. It was