I wasn’t referring to the breaking up on camera as much as his hyper-control tendency to want everything scripted down to every “ummm”.
I wasn’t referring to the breaking up on camera as much as his hyper-control tendency to want everything scripted down to every “ummm”.
There’s a difference between charter schools and the school voucher program that DeVos supports more. The vouchers are the ones used to enrich private religious schools so that white evangelical parents can save money while sending their kids for religious indoctrination posing as education. Charter schools are more…
I never watch the show live, always on DVR. I can’t recall the last time I didn’t skip the musical act. Plus, my wife and I will watch together and give each skit 30 seconds, and if either of us says “GONG!” we just forward to the next.
It’s directly proportional to the amount of incriminating material Null has on Lorne Michaels. No, wait, that doesn’t make sense because that would seem to be the only way Null got on the show in the first place.
It’s always surprised me that Lorne Michaels didn’t have Mulaney beaten to within an inch of his life for doing that, even if it does work.
Disney does not want their intellectual property diluted by others through over-saturation. They want to dilute it themselves through over-saturation.
Here’s about as simple an answer to the question as you’re going to get:
I think the message they were trying to convey with the ending was be nice if you want nice things to happen. I had no problem with it.
Possibly, because I doubt Ron would have known (or cared) what Aleppo was either.
Exactly. The one thing above all that Ron Swanson would not be able to stomach is a hypocrite. If you have principles and stick to them, even if he doesn’t agree with them, you’ll have Swanson’s respect. Trump’s hypocrisy shines like the midday sun, forever ensuring Swanson would never support him.
You’re right, it was intentionally ambiguous.
I thought the ship had landed outside of town and was hidden. Doing the Wrath of Khan thing would’ve been just like tossing him out the window.
As someone else mentioned above, considering they’d just seen actual ghosts getting, well, busted, they likely weren’t paying too much attention to the kissing couple.
How does one forget the name of the first MCU villain, Obiwankenobi Stank?
Nothing about Davis Rules with Johnathan Winters? Was he old enough to even appreciate Winters back then? Or any of the movies (Ted/Ted 2/A Million Ways to Die in the West) with MacFarlane?
I could show you dozens of pictures of my son in his Thomas overalls, the Thomas switchplate that’s still on his wall, the giant tub full of trains that may entertain a grandchild someday and so much more. The only Thomas items we got rid of were the few dozen videotapes knowing the VHS was a dead format but they’d…
Right now the link to this story is being sent by every middle aged parent like me to their college-age kids just to remind them of the crap we had to put up with while they were kids.
I’m not even a fan of the movie, but just knowing this asshole likes it has still somehow ruined it for me forever.
Prediction: Kumail Nanjiani will host the Oscars by 2025.
This is a nice write-up of what he did. Here’s a nice note from Ken Levine, one of the writers who created the character of Charles Emerson Winchester talking about what kind of man Steiers was.