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    Just like Patrick Stewart was just 47 when ST:TNG started yet looked and played it so much older.

    Well, it’s not like the Hamilton sound track hasn’t been out for a few years and sold millions of copies.

    Damn, first Michelle Wolf now Hasan Minhaj. Great news on both fronts. And on the bright side since they’ll be on Netflix they’re not going to fill up my DVR.

    Which Mystery Man? I hope it’s the Shoveler! Please tell me it’s the Shoveler!

    An episode of Let’s Make a Deal with Chidi as a contestant would last seven hours. That’s after the four weeks it takes for him to choose a costume.

    The scene with Praka Lhasa at the piano was a little too reminiscent of Jim Ignitowski doing the same thing in Taxi, but otherwise All of Me was about as perfect as a movie could get.

    Rosenthal was even funnier on Gilbert Gottfried’s Amazing Colossal Podcast.

    The Oscars are funded by the millions of dollars they collect from the broadcasting rights. That’s why Oscar winners don’t have to pay.

    Considering the cost of manufacturing the star itself, installing it, the permits required to hold the ceremony plus police support and traffic control to close a street for several hours, $40,000 actually sounds reasonable to me.

    Just as astounding is that Kevin & Bean have been in the same morning drive slot in what is now their 29th year.

    Her HBO special was exceptional. Call it up on demand if you subscribe.

    Part of the journalists’ problem is they’re afraid if they piss off their subject they’ll be ignored in the future or worse, like lose access not just for themselves but for their entire outfit.

    Pretty much every comedian who did a Dr. Smith impression in his act in the 80s. But yeah, he and Tony Randall, both from the streets of New York were taught similar hoity-toity inflection in acting school and it just stuck.

    Parker Posey. Really.

    Clearly we know more about Graham than you do.

    “Up” here? I’m pretty sure Graham would be headed the other direction to join Nixon.

    Except to those of us who don’t believe in gods and fairy tales like heaven and hell, he just fucked over millions of people and never had to answer for it. So yeah, fuck him and his son even more.

    When you have a president’s ear and tell him you believe that Jews control the media, that’s divisive, destructive and fucking dangerous.

    No, it’s now a requirement. After six decades of nearly all television characters having to use the default of the straight white male, the pendulum has swung the other way with a vengeance. And it’s about time. I Love Lucy and Leave It To Beaver reruns are still out there for you, but dammit, I want to watch a show

    Change the maybes to definitelies in your post and we’ve got a deal.