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    For all the talk here about having Constantine only recur instead of being a regular, that doesn’t seem fun to me. “Hey, there’s a demon we have to fight. Better call Constantine!” That’s too easy and predictable. Legends doesn’t do easy or predictable.

    What struck me is the lack of any of the females interviewed saying that their jobs or livelihood were ever threatened if they didn’t want to participate in the sexist shenanigans. I didn’t hear any of them say they felt they were being any less respected at Atari because they were women, though it clearly happened

    Agreed. Take that plus the whole stripping Tony of his armor and having him have to save the day using mostly his wits and whatever he could cobble together humanized him a bit.

    The real fun is coming in the comments of the reviews from butt-hurt snowflake racist trolls who can’t accept that people of any other skin color could possibly be their equal, or, most likely given their bile, their superior. Here’s a nice sampling:

    Suddenly, movies not scheduled to come out until 2019 seem so much closer.

    You forgot a cinematographer and lighting director who know how to make things, you know, visible.

    Wow, it’s like Die Hard, but in a building...

    Danny DeVito was just 34 when Taxi premiered. That’s all I’ve got.

    This is old news for anyone who’s been watching Happy! on Syfy.

    I’ve never seen Jones do any stand-up, so I don’t know how shouty she is with prepared material. But I do know when I’ve seen her on talk shows and such, especially Seth Meyers, I find that I enjoy her because her energy seems genuine. I don’t feel she’s getting loud because it’s an act but rather because she’s happy

    Steven Wright was a guest on Gilbert Gottfried’s podcast. It was a nightmare for the sound engineer.

    Another question I’ve got is why the Sun-Times would care how many followers Roeper has, since it’s only click on his reviews at their site that count. If Roeper has zero fake followers or a million, the number of views on his reviews will be exactly the same.

    I’ve sent back sub-par entrees several times. Before I do I will ask someone else at my table to taste it to ensure the problem is not me. If it’s a dish I’ve had before and it was better those previous times, I’ll send it back as well. And certainly I know to send it back ASAP because I don’t want to sit the entire

    I can’t believe she never mentioned this in the 24 years we were a couple, but before we met my wife worked at an auto dealership. She saw this story yesterday and said “You know, I’m not surprised. I sold a truck to him and all he did was stare at and talk about my breasts. He was just an ass and I just had to smile

    I actually liked the Affleck Batman. They were clearly going for an older, more cynical Batman than we’ve seen on screen. If only the Superman he was playing against in BvS was more like the sunnier, happier Superman we’re used to, so the contrast between Batman and Superman would have been more pronounced. Instead

    The reason I don’t care whether the Marvel films are getting formulaic is because they don’t ever forget that they’re based on comic books, and comic books are formulaic as hell.

    I think I’ve officially given up. This whole space saga has played out far longer than it needed to, plus everything is just so damned dark you’d think Zach Snyder directed it.

    I’ve already deleted it from the DVR (the episode, not the season pass since I’m hopeful it will return), but wasn’t the rehab in the SuperHamptons, not the SuperBahamas?

    The revival’s catch-phrase will be “I can’t believe this, but I miss Dan Quayle.” Murphy will use it over and over, each time Trump, GWB or Dick Cheney is mentioned. And I’m strangely OK with that. I miss the days when the GOP was simply incompetent but not malicious.

    Of course, Netflix could consider bringing back @midnight, but this time make the points count, and have the comedians compete for a prize of their own special.