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    Is it Gambi or Garak?

    The normal route is two seasons as a featured player. A few have bypassed it entirely or got promoted sooner, but two seasons is the standard.

    No, it is Tragedy + Time = Comedy. But, using the associative property, we can also say that Time = Comedy - Tragedy or Tragedy = Comedy - Time. Knowing this did not help my kids on the SAT though.

    Plus the Buy 6 Get 1 Free doesn’t hurt either.

    The reason I’ll stick with 7/11 is the variety of flavors. Sometimes I don’t just want regular with two splendas and cream. Every 7/11 I’ve been to has a variety of flavored syrups, powders and creamers. Sometimes I want to add some chocolate powder or caramel syrups or maybe both. And most importantly, they have the

    Best tweet I saw read:

    Exactly. And that’s why they’re just rumors instead of news. I recall when they performed together at their Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction. Byrne compared it to when two divorced parents dance together at one of their children’s wedding: It’s a one-time thing and nothing else was to be read into it. Of course,

    It’s been about a year since the last round of Talking Heads reunion rumors. Guess it’s time to dust those off and change the dates...

    I think LMOE has a chance to eclipse Police Squad’s record of... six.

    It wasn’t a loaded question, it was an ironic question posed with a twinge of surprise. Obviously, no studio is going to make a sequel to a film that lost money, so clearly it did make enough to warrant a sequel and there’s no need to look up the actual figures.

    There’s only one obvious choice to replace Trebek when the time comes: Ken Jennings. He’s personable, funny, obviously smart enough and would bring a sense of continuity. Plus, they could add a twist to the annual Tournament of Champions by letting the winner face Ken in a double-or-nothing head-to-head match.

    I’m hoping the fact that Spielberg is still involved assures they won’t skimp on quality. It may still all be done via computer, but it won’t be done cheaply just because they can do it cheaply.

    Unfortunately, Mark Evanier is on one of his occasional “Mushroom Soup” days and is unlikely to respond to this today.


    Actually, Danson turned 70 either yesterday or today. But the close-up on his face during the big reveal on The Good Place, going from happy and genial to evil, deserved an Emmy nomination just for those five seconds.

    If you’re talking about the Lawrence Welk-ish bubbly music at the end, that’s practically a staple of the show whenever they go off on an unplanned tangent, and that happens a lot. Even better, the show runs from 6am to 10am on weekends and they tend to start getting punch-drunk around the 9:30 mark, but starting in

    Now playing

    The KTLA Weekend Mornings News on Los Angeles is one of the strangest newscasts around. They can be serious when the situation calls for it, but mostly they act like siblings teasing each other the entire time. In the attached clip, the fact that the anchor is wearing shorts is because he’d recently had foot surgery

    Yeah, considering what a fan Ferguson was, it’s surprising they couldn’t work something out.

    Did PepsiCo pay her to change her name, like the guy “Subway” in Community?

    Can’t watch the video at work but does he mention that the drummer for the Dreamboys was Craig Ferguson?