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    By 2019 all the best recipes will be preceded by apologies for sexual harassment and assault. It will be called “Discomfort Food”.

    Did you read the next line? Weinstein had only previously denied the allegations of the only two non-caucasian accusers.

    This just sounds like NBC’s attempt to ride the tail of the Big Bang Theory. While I am not a fan of TBBT, it did prove that a successful comedy does not always require a handsome/beautiful lead actor, and that America will watch less-level attractive leads if the show is funny. So I’m guessing someone at NBC thought

    Hmmm... There’s an idea I bet we’ll see on Shark Tank within the next year: The self-aerating wine straw.

    I said it on the 20 Best list yesterday and I’ll say it again here: Late Night with Seth Meyers and his unceasing takedown of the Trump administration using all of those pesky facts was some of the best political analysis on TV.

    Please, have some class. Use a very long straw instead of chugging directly from the bottle.

    Quite real, and even worth following on Twitter.

    I’ve got to put in a word for Late Night with Seth Meyers. His opening deskbound monologues and “Closer Look” segments are always perfect, and he’s not afraid to share the spotlight with the female cast of his show. If Seth weren’t doing this he’d be doing John Oliver’s show, which also should be in or near the Top

    Keep the Girl Scouts away from Moore.

    If the comedians and musicians and actors and others can inspire others to act instead of just nod their heads in agreement, then we just might have something.

    Maybe he’s hired Jonah Hill as his acting coach. I’m sure many people said similar things about Hill the first time he tried to stretch beyond comedy and he’s got two Oscar nominations, so I’ll give Rogan the benefit of the doubt.

    You know, I thought Walk Hard was more than ten years old, so I checked IMDB. It was released on Dec. 21, 2017, therefore it just barely counts as having been in the last ten years by a margin of 13 days.

    But you doesn’t has to call him “Johnson”...

    Agreed, but then again, even Starfleet seemed to look at some of their best as expendable as well. They sent Picard, Crusher and Worf on what was clearly referred to as a suicide mission and luckily it ended up with Picard just being tortured while miscounting lights.

    The way he just grabbed the guitar and smashed it against the wall? That’s the only behavioral sign I needed.

    It seems like such an obvious joke but I met my wife shortly before her 31st birthday and nobody had ever said it to her.

    Asshole + unrepentant = Republican.

    My wife was born on December 7. She celebrates every year by going out and getting bombed. She drinks Kamikazes...

    I doubt it. Sen. Blutarsky would clearly be a Republican.

    I’m thinking of a different alien named Gordon who likes to eat cats...