
Why does Canada have to suffer for America’s mistakes?? WHYYYYYY... oh, it’s because we’re all buying boring-ass crossovers too. :(

What in God’s name is this hatchback turbo fwd Eurotrash nonsense?! They should have dropped in a stonking V8 with over 500 Horsepower, manual only, RWD only 2 door coupe . That’s the American Way™. The only way.

Alternate headlines:

I will buy it, and I will race it

I was almost going to suggest this (as a joke).

Tiff’s 66 years old. You want affable, can really drive? JENSON BUTTON.

This is simple:

There only one answer.... moreover, he loves fast cars:

only one man can replace him

Rowan Atkinson

Make it happen BBC

For those of us who prefer freedom units the wing is 6' 2.8" wide and 15.7" deep and the discs are 14.6".

I wonder if this will be as “Superleggera” as recent Ferrari GTOs have been “GTOs”.

The residents were pissed, and petitioned the Board of Supervisors to nullify the sale. One resident explained to The San Francisco Chronicle the shock that they, the city’s wealthy, could be so rudely taken advantage of

Porsche has the ability to stop this completely by not limiting their production.

This makes me all ragey inside. :(

“Does Gold Member status include no getting pushed to the ground at check in?”

We are profusely sorry this was caught on video.