
Except the KMT lost their elections and the DPP is a pro Taiwan independence party.

Can we get a link to the suit, or at least the docket numbers?

Trump did a bunch of classic populist lines that both parties have rejected for the last ~40 years because the adults in the room know it doesn’t work. But the rust belt factory towns got hosed years ago, and never recovered (rural unemployment is so much worse in the US than unemployment). Those populist lines of

The best thing I’ve heard explained is it’s a pushback against P.C. culture. But the thing is people who joined in on this are now realizing that means very different things to different folks.

Yemen? Where we’ve been doing drone strikes, the government has been collapsing, and the Saudi’s are involved?

Nazi Germany had several Arctic outposts like this, they were all weather stations. The point is having weather information from this part of the Arctic allows them to track storms that will hit the North Atlantic and Baltic. Very important for their aircraft, as storms can kill as many airplanes as the RAF.

20 Trillion.

* Nothing is not related to the Titan things run amok.

Isn’t the fat guy from ‘Head of the Class’, Dan Schneider, who’s the producer of most of Nickelodeon’s popular live action shows, suppose to be the reason for several meltdowns?

I liked the term from Downton Abbey: ‘Fancy Lad’

It’s a lighting port, which is a different standard. Apple has a lighting to USB adaptor, but it’s not a mini-usb port.

*as corrected by the luminosity function.

Yeah, but the iPhone doesn’t use USB, its a propriety plug in.

Part of the problem is horror plays on fears and societal wrongs, of which sexual assault is a major one.

Lot of it is also just to sponsor more women in lower level political jobs so they’re in the pipeline for seniority. Tammy Duckworth is an example. She tried for the house first in 2006, lost a close election but got noticed and got appointed to Vet related political jobs which gave her more credit to come back later

It’s even sillier. Tammy Duckworth will either end up being eventually a senior senator/cabinet member if not a VP/Pres candidate. She’s a charismatic war vet who lost her legs for this country when the black hawk she flew was shot down, served in the House, served as an undersecretary, represents an important state,

You guys know that the Eastwoods are more litigious than Hulk Hogan right? There’s enough landmark privacy cases from the Eastwood family that they are numbered Eastwood I, Eastwood II, etc. So cover your butt and run those articles past legal.

That 1954 test was called Castle Bravo, and used the largest yield nuclear weapon the Americans ever tested. And we spent the years after working on making the weapons more effective mostly by working on targeting rather than making them dirty.

Otoh, never underestimate a small but devoted market niche. For example, 12 million cassette tapes made last year.

Otoh if we went with pure scores: