
Well, sure. People shouldn’t be surprised or angry about this. But we should, in fact, be surprised about how crazy impressive is Xbox SeX’s BC. Comparing both next-gen consoles, BC is an obvious and objective win for Microsoft.

The excerpt from this book that was published in The Washington Post this morning is enough to make you want to beat the ever loving shit out of anyone, male or female, that you see or hear defending this crass, stupid, proudly ignorant buffoon. The fact that the man selected by white folks to lead this country is so

“Todd Phillips has proudly joined the ranks of famous people who would’ve been better off saying nothing...”

It may have to do with Moore being seriously into magic and thinking that a fictional depiction thereof might have more to it than teenagers pointing sticks at each other and shouting faux-Latin phrases. 

Reviews like this make me feel that this series pulls off thrilling, stylish action sequences with beautiful artwork and cool music and no one cares any more because the show has been doing it for years. Every review becomes more of a meta-review about what kinds of episodes it should be doing instead, or what the

Deadlifts are a back exercise, so your back is supposed to be fully engaged. The reason workers are trained not to do occupational lifts deadlift-style is because you can’t assume everybody’s back is powerlifter strong, and because boxes etc. aren’t shaped in a way that lets you hold them safely in a lift like this.

What’s the big deal? I though everybody went out with Aubrey Plaza at some point. I certainly enjoyed my allotted two weeks, though, man, can that girl go through some toilet paper.

I went out with Michael Cera, too. I could totally see the two of them hitting it off as they have so much in common....namely: me.

Jeez. I

I for one can’t wait to see Christopher Plummer in Deadpool 2.

Song of the South or GTFO!