
I'll have to rewatch to be sure, but I remember thinking that Lincoln didn't seem to be chanting blood must have blood along with everyone else, but Clarke was. It seemed like another sign that Lincoln is moving away from the Grounder culture. Or that he didn't want to trigger any Reaperness by chanting about

Ugh. I tried to reply , but I guess it didn't go through so I'll try again.

So now that we've hit the mid-season I just want to throw a few questions out here.

If that's the case it'll completely ruin this episode for me. Letting Finn somehow still be alive would take away the emotional impact of what Clarke did. Plus, the creator/writers of this show want us to believe they're not afraid to kill their characters. Aside from Wells, and maybe Anya could be counted too,

I didn't see your comment before I posted mine. Glad I'm not the only one getting Buffy vibes.

Wow. I was annoyed during most of the episode, but the end was amazing. I didn't like how all the main Ark characters were trying to save Finn, but at the same time it's understandable. What he did was wrong, but that wouldn't make it any easier for the people who care for him to give him up to an excruciating

Part of what I liked about this episode is that Finn is showing more remorse. In the previous episode people were making excuses for him, but this week he was faced with a Grounder who let his rage show and was justified in trying to kill Finn. Finn was suddenly faced with someone holding him responsible for his

I think you've touched on part of the problem. Other characters' actions have been shown as wrong (Bellamy, Murphy) or emotionally devastating for the character (Clarke, Bellamy again, Finn after killing a Reaper). In the episodes leading up to the massacre, Finn's actions were becoming more and more questionable,

And Lincoln did tell Octavia that his people go to the statue to settle disputes so that could work. The gang would just have to find a way to get someone in the Grounder leadership to meet with them without getting killed first.

Letting Finn get away without any kind of punishment doesn't fix anything either. It just reinforces in his mind that his actions were somehow justified. I think Clarke's judgment of him and her statement that she doesn't know who he is anymore is what finally broke through to him a little. His reaction to those

Yeah, I guess forgiven was the wrong word to use. It was really the lack of judgment that bothered me. In previous episodes the people around Finn were questioning his behavior, but now they seem to be making excuses for him. I would have felt better about the episode if at least one other person had shown some

Finn was definitely forgiven by too many people too fast. Maybe the characters are so uncomfortable with what happened they just want to forgive and forget? And Finn's line that it was an accident just made me cringe. An accident? ! Shooting 1 person could have been considered an accident, maybe, but not 18. That

When I heard that I thought of Finn being sacrificed too, but I can't imagine Clarke supporting that even if she us disgusted by him right now. I'm thinking she finds out about Lincoln and that Mt Weather created the reapers. Somehow she tries to use the knowledge of the Mountain Men's crimes against the Grounders

Wow. All these insights into Murphy's character have given me a lot to think about. He still seems a little too tame given the past season but I can buy the transformation more when I consider everything that's happened to him and everything he's done. He's been told at least twice that his life is worth less than

I completely agree with your comments about Finn. The emotional struggle was definitely lacking in the previous episode, and I'm glad he was shown struggling in this episode. I can't imagine how he can recover after this. Even his last line showed that he's not all there mentally anymore. He somehow thinks he

I actually think the braids are practical, especially for keeping the women's hair out of their eyes. Whats better: spending a few minutes to braid your hair or having it fly in your face all day? Also, with the exception of Monroe, the braided styles haven't been too intricate and it doesn't take much time to

I'm not sure what to think of Murphy either. Season 1 he was misstreating his own people, and when he came back after being banished he was killing people in revenge. So I don't really get his decency in this episode. I guess the writers wanted to show how bad Finn was by the fact that even Murphy thought he was

That's so true. I was just watching this episode and when Finn and Murphy were walking through the grounder village (pre-fire setting), my 5 year old-who isn't normally in the room when I watch the show-asked, "Are they good or bad?" And I said "Well…..they're not all-bad, but right now they're making really bad

Glad to see Bellamy confront Finn about his actions. That being said, not sure it was a good idea to send Murphy with Finn. It'll be interesting to see what happens to that duo.

I'm really liking this season a lot so far. Here's a few things I'd like to see in future episodes:
1. Clarke should be taken to task for basically abandoning the remaining 100. Loved her and Anya teaming up, but she didn't seem to show the same concern that Anya showed for her own people. I guess Clarke plans on