
Wow... If my PS4 had been anything like this I’d have taken the thing back. I was considering getting an Xbone for Halo... Now? Man, I’m happy that my PS4 works beautifully. Updates are annoying, but it’s like any computer now, so I deal.

It's super confusing. My cool iron banner warlock bond is a 3... Some random rare one I have is 180... I feel a bit like I'm doing a puzzle with half the pieces

Two things...

I don’t think this is the right test or something because as a web developer, I noticed a drastic improvement when going from 8 to 16. Opening and closing apps and stuff is much quicker. (atom still takes forever but what are you gonna do)

Just playing the game should yield enough upgrade materials to keep you happy with the exception of Etheric light. I’ve never been like “I gotta go get spinemetal!”

Logitech appears to actively HATE left hand people.

seriously... I’ve wondered if they could be sued for it... It’s amazing I can buy a left hand guitar from most brands (definitely not every model) but left hand mouse? NOPE. I’m even willing to pay extra...

Hell yeah Death Adder! They make it in left hand and I’d use it if I was right handed lol.

There definitely seems to be a point at which you can just keep getting the same thing over and over. I thought that to get legendary armor you had to be a level 3 vanguard (or whatever rep) and decided to grind the hell out of venus. There’s a spot where a TON of vex and fallen spawn over and over and fight each

Frontend Development is not a design position. Yes, you need to have something of an artistic touch to do it and translate what the designer wants to have happen into something that runs. But too many backend developers treat us like some sort of weird art department.

Moved from Milwaukee to Saint Louis when I was 17 and provel can suck it.

What do you call where you have about 5 windows, not counting all the undocked developer tools, and somewhere in the range of 20-30 tabs across those windows?

As a web developer. I can bring a computer, with 16GM of RAM, to a crawl with as many tabs as I run. Hell, I think I'm at about 20 at the moment. Drop Sublime Text and a few webservers (something related to the way the company I work for develops) in there and it's getting pretty swamped.

I didn't say that my internet was bad. I'm not satisfied with internet that's about 1/10th the speed of the rest of the world but it'll get me by until America can get in the game.

You shouldn't be. Compared to much of the rest of the world. That's REALLY not fast. I've got 100Mbs here and won't be happy until I see 1Gbs up and down. Not because I will use all that bandwidth all the time but because there are times when that speed would come in handy and speed like that is ready to go and is in

You mean correct horse battery staple right? The spaces are what make it a good password.

Rdio is so good at the music casting thing... I'd say it could be THE best at it. You can be listening to it on your phone, start casting to a chromecast (the rdio on your phone is now remote controlling the TV) and then walk into another room, open up a tab with rdio in it and move playback to the computer... Now

did 120 in one of these for an extended period of time. Still amazes me to this day I wasn't pulled over and went that fast

Linting your code seems like it might thwart this if you stick to it closely enough. (I hate those yellow dots.