
according to the kickstarter, it's 20% off what it will retail for. Which sounds cool until you see that it won't work with existing bags.

Okay, so it costs $750 to install this on my existing, already quite pricey bag? NO THANKS.

Who cares if it doesn't have push! This is awesome! A future version will probably have it, might as well get awesome mail now!

That exists. [www.ononesoftware.com] - Needs a computer middleman though, which isn't exactly going to cut it but it's a start I guess

Because it has a full frame sensor.

Probably a turn-by-turn mapping setup or siri "enabled" head units or something along those lines.

Netflix would be a lot more fun if it was more like spotify. Sometimes I want to share the movie I'm watching... Or see what other people are watching. Let me click a link to do that. Though since I started using spotify, I've started to worry about what movies were showing up on my facebook wall... Even though this

No, redesigning something so that it's more accessible isn't stupid. It actually makes a lot of sense. Putting the freezer on the bottom makes sense because you open it less.

This just makes me mad. At this rate it's cheaper for me to drive all the way to Chicago and buy what I want...

Doesn't matter if the operation happened. You can't change your chromosomes.

Of course it does. If it worked that good it would put a LOT of people out of a job. This just gets you closer to what you're trying to achieve faster. This isn't hogwarts

This isn't real-world. I "test" these browsers 8+ hours a day. If I leave firefox open too long, it gets sluggish and unresponsive. opening up activity monitor usually reveals that it's consuming around 2GB of real and virtual ram combined and is maxing out the processor.

if by killing, you mean firefox is consuming every last drop of memory and leaving none for anything else then yes... killing. As someone who has to run almost all these browsers at the same time for work, I can tell you that firefox is CRAP for memory usage

No optical disk? but where will I put my opti-bay hard drive?


exactly, buying a 400k house is the dream world. I am personally looking at a house in the neighborhood of 160k (though the one I'm most interested in I'm going to offer more like 140 because it needs work). I know I can afford it, I've done the math, and I know where the hidden expenses are. On top of all that my

There's nothing wrong with a smaller downpayment as long as they aren't doing the interest-only dance.

see my reply to CamJN below. It's called Arkham Horror

Trailofsevens is correct, It is in fact Arkham Horror. So far one of my favorite complicated boardgames

You've got an iPad on your board game? That's cool...