I'm glad he's doing better but I wish we could have saved his mama. I feel so powerless with this crap. We can't even treat each other humanely and we want people to treat animals humanely.
Thanks China and Thailand and Vietnam. Y'all obviously really need your rhino horn to cure impotence, hangovers and flat feet. you know what I heard last week? Testicles of men who consume rhino horns are known to enlarge penises.
I'd gladly go hang out in Africa with a giant knife and cut off the "horns" of these fucking poachers when I saw them.
Well I am a black woman so let's talk. I don't get why sooooo many black women consider bleaching to be this racial Rubicon that should not be crossed when they endorse hair bleach, hair from the heads of Europeans, South Americans and Asians, even contact lenses as all okay and empowering. I also think that it is…
I understand why people are upset about skin bleaching - I really do. But I'm sick and tired of the double standard here. Scarlett Johanssen, Angelina Jolie, and Halle Berry are always described as physically beautiful (including here on Jezebel) but they all had plastic surgery! If the issue is encouraging women and…
Cute.. Now remind me again why cows are food and dogs are not? Shouldn't we just go ahead and fire up the grill for Milkshake.. After all she is only a dumb cow....
Dear Dana,
I generally prefer "crotch droppings." It has better cadence.
I'm not saying every woman lives in fear 100% of the time. I'm just say it's a damn near universal experience to have been standing there, minding your own business, when suddenly you're given reason to be afraid. I'm not especially vulnerable and I don't live in a particularly dangerous area, but I've certainly had…
I used to think that way. I used to live in a safe, suburban neighbourhood, in a country with a low crime rate. Then I started moving to progressively bigger cities with higher and higher crime rates. And now I live in a very patriarchal developing country with an extremely high crime rate. The police…
You must be awfully blessed to have that attitude. I've been physically assulted 3 times in my life - always in public places, twice in broad daylight. I'm a strong woman with self defense training, so I was able to defend myself and prevail before harm was done, but even with that proven training I feel…
Idk about if I'm fucking paranoid but the city where I live (my neighborhood in particular) has a HUGE meth problem so I'm not so worried about a stranger coming out of the bushes to rape me but maybe I'm a little worried about some tweaker trying to fucking mug me so they can get high. Which happens. All the time.…
Fear IS a fact of life. That doesn't mean it's present at every second. Death is a fact of life - does it consume your every thought? When people ARE afraid all the time, there is usually a reason. When those people are adults with lots of life experience, those reasons are usually past experiences. To say those…
You must live a lucky enough life to not notice it.
I have a gun. It's not pink and it's not cute. I won't apologize for carrying it and I won't apologize if I have to use it to protect myself someday. Because the truth is that we do live in a society where I feel unsafe as a woman many times. You can argue all you want that I don't need it, but that's a subjective…
Do you think they were charging by the inch for that contrast piping on the groom?