Here you go:
Here you go:
You didn't ask for sources. Next time ask for what you want and you might get it.
I would think my doctor would know the difference between vaginosis and yeast infections. In fact, I'm pretty sure her testing methods also pick up on that difference. I'm going to trust doctors (who also owned vaginas, and some who have not) over an internet commenter with a vagina (even one with access to a medical…
You can get many infections from messing with your pH, including yeast infections. Talk to your OB about it.
Right, there may not be a link between hygiene and yeast infections, but there is definitely a link between yeast infections and harsh detergents. It's better to use no soap at all, which is counterintuitive. But you don't want to introduce a base to what should be an every so slightly acidic environment if you don't…
But yeast infections are common, as evidenced by the enormous market for over the counter and prescription medications. I'm sure plenty of those yeast infections could be prevented by not messing up their pH and flora with detergent cleansers.
Lucky you, but that's not how it works for everyone (not even close) and every doctor I've ever talked to about this said the same thing. The vulva is not like the rest of the body, actually. It is a warm, moist place that is extremely attractive to candida. It doesn't have to be magical or mysterious in order for it…
Simple, non-deodorant soap will help maintain the right PH balance.
No joke, not even my sister knew I got a nose job until I told her. New nose should look like old nose, just better.