I’m excited for this, but I actually hate that title. I can see where they’re going to go with it. Roy Hunter will tell them that all these rookie heroes will eventually become legends in the future, but still it’s hokey as hell.
I’m excited for this, but I actually hate that title. I can see where they’re going to go with it. Roy Hunter will tell them that all these rookie heroes will eventually become legends in the future, but still it’s hokey as hell.
Not true. She pieced together the whole metahumans = STARlabs thing by herself and with little resources and was promptly dismissed by Barry.
I wonder what they’re going to do for season 2 because they pretty much used up the Flashes two biggest villains. I guess they could make the Rogues the big bads of season 2 but they doesn’t seem like a big enough threat compared to Reverse Flash and/or Grodd. Having Grodd be the big bad next year would be great, but…
Because Central/Starling city loves moving money around.
Even if he knew it was coming. Barry should’ve punched a hole through his big ape hand.
I call it the Laurel zone.
Which is exactly what he was warning Barry about a few eps ago. I think he thinks as long as the newspaper is the same the future is the same, but how can he be sure?
I want to say that the best thing about this episode was Iris telling Barry that he hasn’t been treating her like a best friend, which is 100% true. Dude, if you get super powers, the first thing you do is tell your best friend!
Or Norman Osborn... I’d love to see that.
He should be Wong to Cumberbatch’s Dr. Strange.
That would be nice. Can we start the twitter campaign for the one-armed transgender cyborg from (Um, Mars wouldn’t work, but Jakku does!) It has to be a black actor though and since so much emphasis is being placed on practical effects, they can’t cover up their blackness with CGI. (A rubber mask would be acceptable…
I don’t want to get all Social Justice here, especially since these pics are getting me excited for the film, I’m kind of worried that the only black woman in the cast will be covered/replaced by CGI. That’s kind of fucked up.
The drive works because “spooky” reasons...okay, I’m sold!
Hell, I’m all for calling it the Impossible Drive.
Yeah, more happy Laurel.
And it makes perfect sense for someone that old.
You know, it’s good that the show is called Arrow because if Ollie ever leaves permanently, Roy or Thea or Nyssa or Ollie’s 7-year-old kid over in Central City (Connor Hawke?) could easily pick up and the show would still work.
I hadn’t noticed that the costume in the picture was the more traditional costume until Cisco mentioned it. I guess we’re going to get different itterations of it over time until it eventually looks like the comics one. I like that. Kinda like Arrow going from the hood to vigilante to hero.
If he does that the entire timeline is fucked.
Yeah, that scene where she finally pieces everything together and is so excited to share with Barry and he disregards her perfectly encapsulates the entire season.