Crazy Karl

I would never make fun of fucking children, paedophilia is a serious crime.

LOL you expect actual journalism?  Cut and paste is all you’ll get around here.

this post needs more stars.

They actually did, and they were all fairly angry that they were out of apparently a well paying job to please the PC police.

“Co-pilot” is actually a much worse name. A co-pilot is just as capable as the pilot, just usually slightly less experienced. An autopilot requires constant monitoring. A co-pilot does not.

I mean, a plane’s auto-pilot still requires the pilot to pay attention. The name checks out fine, in my opinion.

complain about the name all you want, but the system has very clear conditions it it meant to work under, while being supervised, anyone purchasing this car is told this by the car, the manual, Tesla, ect... if you want to argue about it not existing then just as well crusie control should not exist because one day

I’m surprised they didn’t lock up the pug too, after all it is the one that appears to have ties to Nazism, did you see it salute!?!?

If you are offended by a pug giving a Nazi salute, you truly are an absolute fucking idiot.

I would contend that convicting someone for a joke is more Nazi-like than a dog that gives Hitler salutes.

They did the right thing. What if this pug started goosestepping around the dog parks, spewing hate and poo among decent pooches emboldening others of like mind to start rallying? When does it end?

What if the dog is Jewish?

Almost every airline has options to upgrade to a seat in the exit row or other locations with more space, or to upgrade to economy plus.

Wrong. We have choices. Or rather we had choices, but when you consistently make the same choice over and over, that’s all you get offered. You can choose to pay for seats with more room. If people were clamoring for those seats, there would be more of them. People are cheap fucks who will sell their goddamn soul to

You are operating under the mistaken assumption that we have choices. Most of the time, the only choice we really have is which logo is on the wing of the plane

Yeah except Subaru’s steel is made of balsa wood.

There are yield signs at every highway merge point in the metro area I live in and no one ever stops and holds up traffic at them, they merge safely with traffic as the designer of the interchange intended them to do.

well in defense... what the hell was the cop doing just sitting there? Waiting on an invitation?! I feel the road rage just watching that... GOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

Yeah, I mean don’t go around them, but there really wasn’t any need for the cop to be stopped there, they have a lane in front of them, so pull into it, and merge at speed rather than trying to do it from a stop.

If by “news” you mean “puff piece about a guy losing weight”