Crazy Karl

jesus...have some faith in humanity will ya? people don’t listen to rap music and commit crimes, or listen to heavy metal and commit suicides, don’t play grand theft auto and then proceed to run over prostitutes and sure as hell they don’t look at the jeep ad and then proceed to kill fish.

Based purely on that ad, I bought a Wrangler and proceeded to drive the entire length of a stream looking for a waterfall to climb. When I could not find one. I instead did a few donuts and pulled some small trees down, just to spite the forest.

It was done in man made pond! WTF!? No fish were put in on purpose so they could be killed. Just showing the Jeep’s ability to play in the water. Back to your safe space...

The add reflects how capable the Jeep is and it shows. It’s too capable for sissies apparently.

This makes sense. They have a business model that has higher rates of default, and therefore higher rates to lend.

1st thing I don’t believe: The hamster was a support animal.

it’s totally relevant. you call a spade a spade... after watching that video, it’s pretty obvious it’s the driver’s fault.

“I am pretty obsessive over my car” Yeah... So obsessed you can’t take 3 seconds to make sure you’ve parked it properly. On a machine. That moves! And he’s looking for someone to blame, other than himself. What a cunt.

I don’t want to hear shit from people about contributing to pollution from warming up a car for a few minutes if they still eat meat and dairy. That contributes more to climate change than all the cars, trucks, ships etc in the world combined. Not to mention the biggest use of water, biggest polluter of water, biggest

This whole thing is dumb. Boys don’t wear dresses. It’s just a fact. Look up the men’s section - there are no dresses. Bunch of powder puffs on social media. I eagerly await a powderpuff response to this comment too.

People act as if it is their duty to get offended by everything.

So, am I to understand that the actual margin of error between Jalopnik writer/reviewers is the difference between ‘great’ and ‘terrible,’ and that there is no shared sense of quality or taste that we, as readers, can adjust from? You literally just blasted the foundations off of any car rating credibility the site

Wait, the Hyundai Elantra Sport earned an A/B rating in the Daily/Driver review, and praise like this from Jalopnik:

I agree with you’re premise but think you should go even bigger. I suggest the Black Widow. It’s even got the turrets.

Not to be confused with the Millennial Falcon, which lives in its parent’s hangar until it turns 26.

It’s simple, really. If you dont want to sign that contract, then you wont be given the opportunity to own it first. Supply and demand. Ford is absolutely right to do this. Imagine you are a loyal ford customer that has a garage full of new and old fords and could not get your name on that list because some medium

Maybe he wants more cars built here, despite many cars being built here already? With the right conditions (and his tax plan includes a better corporate tax rate) it might make sense. Keep this blind anti Trump attitude in.... I don’t know..... Every other gawkerverse site.

Because that doesn’t fit the Gawker Media agenda.

Sounds like he was screaming about a snackbar, so I’m guessing no

From the article linked above: