Crazy Karl

Possibly. I take no responsibility for the accuracy of random internet facts that I copy and paste.

Found this list in 10 seconds with google, but hey; Trump is a fascist so everything he says is wrong.

How is the roof rack on you gas mileage and freeway noise? I noticed a difference just by putting pads on my aero bars. Can’t even imagine how that thing sounds at 65.

There is a tree line that could have caused the wind to die off on the surface but that would have caused a swerve into the wind also the rudder swings left on touchdown. Like you said, hard to tell when you aren’t in the cockpit.

Sure, maybe just autopilot coupled to an ILS. I am speculating but it looks to me like the pilot took controls from automation at the last minute. The reason is the approach is smooth and with correct crosswind input but just after touchdown, it looks like the pilot is incorrectly trying to steer toward centerline

Crosswinds within the aircraft limits are common and only mildly challenging to a professional pilot. If the winds were out of limits, (which they did not appear to be) it was a procedure violation to even attempt. This pilot screwed up and applied incorrect rudder input after touchdown. Just because he didn’t crash

European actually

Not skillful at all, major screw up. Skillful landings are the ones that look easy under challenging conditions.

Absolutely a major screw up. Might have damaged the landing gear. Pilot probably took the controls from the autoland at touchdown and applied incorrect crosswind correction then over corrected back towards centerline. Planes are still flying on the runway as long as there is airflow over the control surfaces.

“the deeply moving ending is its own Voight-Kampff test.”

I have had 2wd pickup trucks most of my life, (usually with locking diff). Never lived on a ranch, never lived in snow, never been stuck, never wished I had 4wd.

In some cases HOA’s are intrusive, but go to a military base with tanks and you will see dirt roads with special reinforced tank crossings over the paved roads. Tanks mess up pavement which is probably why this guy didn’t park it in his own driveway.

That’s why he parked on the street instead of his driveway. Let the tax payers foot the bill for the damages. By the way, go to a military base with tanks and you will see dirt roads with special reinforced tank crossings over the paved roads.

You’re right, it’s not equivalent yet. I will piss in your cheerios while telling you that you are racist.

Maybe you should file a complaint against the laws of physics.

Can I piss in your cheerios to protest child abuse? No? Why? Are you in favor of abusing children?

The National Anthem is an acknowledgment of sacrifices made for our freedom and hijacking the ceremony for political divisiveness absolutely is disrespectful. Kind of like holding a protest rally at someone else’s wedding or birthday party. You are going to piss people off even if they agree with the message.

The song is literally about American troops defending a Fort through the night and coming out triumphant in the morning. It is an acknowledgment of sacrifices made for our freedom and hijacking the ceremony for political divisiveness absolutely is disrespectful.

One problem is the charger looks to run off it’s own batteries so it would have to use electricity to get to the client and save some to get back to it’s own changing station. Wouldn’t having a flat bed truck with a crane driving around, dropping off and picking up chargers be more practical?

Then don’t listen to those people. You will take away their power to make you sick.