
So, if I’m an existing HBO Now customer paying $15 per month and HBO Max gives me all that and more at a rate discounted for the first year at $12 per month, wouldn’t it make sense to cancel HBO Now and sign up with HBO Max?

That sucks. Now I'm going to have to feed my Venus Flytrap quinoa and tofu!

I also own a T2i and couldn't agree with you more.

Sure, why not?

When I moved into my previous apartment, I guess I "strong armed" the landlord and "screwed" the other tenants.

LOL...I love that you went there.

Only when it's wet.

It's allowed.

Sorry....Not familiar with it. I stand correct!

"I am Disappoint". Imagine your grammar teacher. They must be devastated.

What about lesbians in Mänland? (Sorry, that sounded like a really bad "B" movie)

I'm so glad I decided not to bedazzle my gimp suit and head over there. That would have been a waste of 3 hours.

Seriously? 10 years ago Apple's stock was at $9, now it's $375. The iPad without flash is the dominant table on the market with no real competition and Apple's brand and revenue has never been greater. What did he hold them back from?

With the amount of teens that have been bullied and even taking their own lives because of it in the past few years, I think it's a bit more than people you may never see again.

I think the big deal about this is that the kids doing it don't realize the possible consequence of sending these kind of pics to someone. They assume they will stay private and then they get into an argument or break up with the person and the pics end up on their facebook page or such and suddenly, everyone in

"Bitter...party of three hundred million".

Do people read the confidentiality forms that they sign?

@pettiblay: How do you know that that person who's been in jail isn't going to contribute to society and that the star athlete isn't going to commit some atrocity?

Where's the Gizmodo iPad App?