Turn signals... please use them. It’s not that hard. Just a small, quick motion of the hand.
Turn signals... please use them. It’s not that hard. Just a small, quick motion of the hand.
They should recall it for not being available in its beautiful wagon form in the USA.
(I think the sedan is beautiful too, mind you, but beauty + utility = my perfect kind of car)
I too agree on the point about independence and possibility. Your comment helped me to see my mom’s situation a bit differently. She’s always loved the Ford Bronco II, had one in the ‘80s that she adored and traded it away for something else. She found another one about ten years ago, but for most of the last few…
I wish I could say the same for the coyote I hit back in 2008. I was driving cross-country in barely year-old car, late at night in Wyoming, and a coyote ran out in front of me on the freeway. I swerved, thinking it was going to keep running on its trajectory, but it instead froze in its tracks and I ended up hitting…
I have a Spider of the same year. It’s not in quite as good of shape as this one, but no rust at least. It’s been a stressful money pit at times, but when it works well, it’s oh so sweet. I’d buy it again. As for this one, against all logic, my emotions made me vote nice price, and against all logic, I keep my ‘75…
Big bummer... The quarter pounder is always my go-to whenever there isn’t a good limited-edition burger. Arghhh. At least they have the teriyaki burger...
I’d decided that I was going to hold out on the Switch for the foreseeable future (still feeling a bit burned by the Wii U), but I think I’d buy one if this was localized stateside.
One of the first things that came to mind for me when thinking “stealthy”, would be a Prius, or some other hybrid. I currently live in Japan, where the Prius is often used as a taxi cab. I don’t know how many times I’ve been crossing an intersection on foot and a Prius taxi sneaks up on me, almost running me over.…
Since 1996, when I got my first car, to now:
1. white (‘89 Pontiac Grand Prix)
2. dark grey (‘88 Cadillac Cimmaron)
3. burgundy -> metallic grass green (‘90 Dodge Omni)
4. silver w/ red accents (‘89 Mercury Tracer hatch)
5. black (‘94 Ford Probe)
6. white (‘99 Ford Escort wagon)
7. bright red (‘07 Mazda 3)
8. light teal ->…
I recently moved to Japan (again), and the flight over was packed full of bad luck. I first flew from Detroit to LA to visit my cousin on the way out of the country, and due to some sort of “anomaly” at security, they sent everyone in line back in forth between a couple security lines until they fully shut down one. I…
For me it was Saab dying. That still hurts to think about, and I’ve never even owned one. I have just always loved them.
I’m living in Japan for a while these days and every time I see an Atenza/6 wagon I shed a little tear that I can’t buy one back home in the states. I love the way they look and have always been a sucker for a good looking wagon or hatchback. I feel the same about the current Demio/2. I like the looks of that a lot…
He’s from my town. I used to see his yellow Diablo and his RX-7 around town. I had no idea the Mazda had transformed into this beast! Awesome.
I wanted to hate the Bentayga, but I think Prince would like this color combo.... and I like Prince.
Good timing for me... My account is up for renewal on the 8th. Thanks for the tip!
Good timing for me... My account is up for renewal on the 8th. Thanks for the tip!
Fair enough. I suppose the thickness has to do with structural integrity and thicker pillars, but one option might have been to have a thinner painted silver around the outer rim, with black on the inside. I guess that adds complexity to the whole deal though.
As an owner of one of the originals (a ‘75), I’m quite pleased at how this turned out. So many nice references to the old Spider in the design, and I’m sure it’s going to be a blast to drive. I think one of these would look nice next to my green machine :-)
It’s more true to the original, though. I dig it.