It’s more true to the original, though. I dig it.
It’s more true to the original, though. I dig it.
Luke Skygother... Those angsty teenage years can be painful.
That’s a beauty. I’ve wanted one for quite a while.
I have a bright red one and a bright metallic green one (which I painted that way). I think it says that I like having cars that are easy to spot from afar in the parking lot.
I’m getting strong Aphex Twin vibes off of that face.
Collision detection error.
Yeah, it seems there’s a lot of conflicting information so far... Probably more complete info in Japanese somewhere, but my kanji level’s not up to that. Well either way, it’s a sad end for that lady.
I wish I could find the article I read this in earlier today, but sadly it sounds like an elderly woman died in the blaze. If I can find the link I’ll post it.
Hehe, that’s only a couple blocks from my old Oakland apartment... I remember that street in the beginning of that video being a nightmare to drive sometimes, due to the massive potholes...
It’s a nice refreshing change, when most of the cars coming out these days (even the humble little Yaris) have gaping maws and look like they want to eat the car in front of them. I realize with pedestrian impact regulations and the fact that cars are looks stubby in the front these days that designers put the huge…
I can tell I’ve lived in Japan a while, as I cringed a little at these.
As an owner of one of an old school Spider, I’ve been keeping a close eye on news of the new one. I’ll reserve final judgement for when I see one in person, but I’m feeling pretty good about this new version. Looking forward to seeing a really clear shot of the front, but I’m digging the fact that the grille has the…
I have a few of those in my collection... :-) I love digging up old Japanese vinyl at the thrift stores.
You’d be in good company :-)
I’ve always loved that design.
I saw that yesterday while in a waiting room. I was a little startled. I figured they meant “serious”, but there’s always the voice in the back of my head that says “C’mon, you guys are based in Tokyo and don’t have access to an English-speaker who can double-check this kind of stuff?” 本気?? Oh well, at least the title…
I bet Gunpei would have made it really great had he been given the time. When I think of this I sort of get bummed out because I think of the bigger picture of what else Yokoi could have done had he lived past the ‘90s. Truly a visionary and I’m especially thankful he brought us Metroid!
I dunno, they also mentioned making the gloss part matte, and I’m rather fond of the interplay between the matte and gloss on the debut model.
I can vouch for it still showing up in school lunches now and then. In the two years I’ve lived in Nagasaki, I’ve seen it show up in kyuushoku maybe about 4 times. Pretty rare, but sometimes it’ll sneak up on me and I end up eating a smaller lunch that day due to giving my portion of whale to another teacher. I can…
Bummer. Since I live in Japan now, I guess I’ll have to wait until it hits streaming...