
Noooo, Felix! Ow, my eye candy!

Noooo, Felix! Ow, my eye candy!

I thought the headline said they talk about the "revolting" 21 Jumpstreet. God, this movie looks ficking terrible.

Actually, Nog does learn something from this experience and uses it in a later episode. And, Nog isn't that great a businessman, though he does greatly mature.

Actually, Nog does learn something from this experience and uses it in a later episode. And, Nog isn't that great a businessman, though he does greatly mature.

Honestly, I didn't know it was shameful to have crushes on fictional/cartoon characters until I recently was asked by some friends what sort of celebrity crushes I had when I was a kid. All I could come up with was fictional characters or cartoon characters. According to my friends, that's pretty lame. The biggest

Yeah, I was surprised to see Angel Taylor on here. My fiancé and I recognized her right away. She was a VH1 "You Oughta Know" artist and had a cute song and video that made it pretty far in the Top 20 Countdown. I know that's not the pinnacle of success, but it was a little surprising to see someone who could be

Oh, I guess you guys watch "Face Off." (That's what I get for not reading all the comments.) It's a really cool show and I wish the AV Club would cover it at least once.

Does anybody else love "Face Off" on Syfy? It's the show I really look forward to each week.

I saw her on VH1 talking about her music video and album last week. She had this vibe like some producer had snatched up some thinner Adele-type with a quarter of the talent so that they could cash in on the Adele craze and inject their manufactuered studio brand into her.

Well, he was kind of a brute in a jerk-ass way. Seriously though, yeah, I meant Brunt. Stupid autocorrect.

I'm glad other people are admitting that Quark is one of the favorite characters so I don't have to be the only one who's like, "This is where I declare my deep, passionate and unwavering love for Quark, right?"

That's what I thought too.

I don't usually say that people are wrong we are talking opinions, but, you are wrong. Quark is awesome. Like, the best character on DS9 kind of awesome. Nog is awesome. Rom is awesome. Brute is awesome. Zek and Moogie? Eh, I like them, but I'll concede that their presence can be trying.

'The Frighteners' is one of my favorite movies. The "My body is a roadmap of pain" scene is a great and memorable scene, and one of my favorite movie scenes from my childhood. (Apparently I was a little sadomasochistic all the way back then.)

I got started late with the show and your reviews, so I looking forward to being there right from the start with DS9. I really enjoyed reading your take on things, and though I didn't always agree, you expressed your opinions well and thoughtfully levied your criticisms.

Who knew that Bon Jovi's terrible handwriting would foster so much hilarious commentary? Pot Rike, indeed.  

That thing is fucking nightmare fuel to the max.

Yeah, he did have sex with Ezri. She didn't train to be a host, so I guess the taboo didn't bother her so much. (She talks about this, but I can't remember exactly what she says.) They war was going pretty strong at that point, so I doubt anyone on Trill ever found out or cared.

Has this year been a bad year for cinema, or what? I'm a pretty big movie fan and I haven't seen  any of the films on the "Best of…" list or the "Worst of…" list. I haven't even heard of most of them, either. I usually see a (good) film on Christmas Day with one of my parents, as it is tradition to try and get away