
Sexiest race? I'm gonna have to go with Cardassians. Oh, Dukat, how is so much neck possible?

Wow, I'm really disappointed to hear that the movie wasn't so great. Seems like it went a little Michael Bay-y with all the 'splosions, busyness, slow-mo and such.

I haven't seen all of Voyager yet, but seriously? Talk about pandering! "Hey guys, nerds go gaga over sexy, sexy 7 of 9! Let's just throw her into our shitty TNG movie. She can be Worf's date or something." (Obviously, Wesley's date is the Traveler, he's just hiding out in the bathroom, fixing his striped jammies and

Man, that must have either been a really good time we had, or a reeeealllly bad time. I woke up watching DS9 and I was without pants… 

Spel lcheck was our friend, I think…

If they did, it would have surely sucked terribly. Best we enjoy what we have…

Right Wingnut: We got the last word in! Oh shit. This movie made me drink too much.

Okay. I watched "Little Green Men" and I'm on to "Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges" because it has Romulans and is a pretty cool episode.

The only hot date I've got is with this movie and my own hands. Tom Hardy… yeah. 

Did I get lost on the way to the party or are we still having tech issues?

spicoli323 Romulans are awesome, but yeah, there's not many (any?) fun episodes with them. Maybe I'll watch the TNG episode where Troi is turned into a Romulan. Oh yeah.

And here I was thinking, "Maybe I should watch a DS9 episode to help brace myself against the deep hurting that is coming." But, I'm not sure which episode. Something fun, like "Little Green Men."  

We are the snarky reviewers!

I knew that DVD I picked up in bargain bin at Big Lots a couple months ago would come in handy. I've never seen anything but Plinkett's review of the movie. Anyone else going to be a first time viewer?

Man, I got into TNG way too late to enjoy these boards. But, I'll be ready for DS9. I love reading these reviews, and can't wait to read your take on the show, Zack. 

I don't mind a little obnoxiousness as long as someone has the talent to back it up.

I didn't realize this was a cult film. I thought everyone realized it was a piece of shit and left it at that. I remember watching it back when I was a kid on pay-per-view and feeling sorry that my parents spent five bucks on it. It does look like something I would enjoy now, though. Doesn't Jon Voight strangle

I somehow missed last week's episode. I'm happy to see Hughnibrow again. He was the highlight of TC Masters. I was excited for them to be in my home state, but it seems like it's going to be a bunch of "Everything is bigger in Texas, y'all. Hyuk Hyuk." Thanks, assholes. Oh well, at least they'll give me ideas on good

Oh man, I laughed for, like, two minutes when the Stereo Hoggz said they'd dreamed of being in a Pepsi commercial. Yeah, I believe that. Oh, and stop reminding us that the winner gets 5 million dollars and a Pepsi commercial. I swear, they took about 10 minutes reminding us of that.

That's where I've heard that before! My husband was right that someone did it on the UK show, we just couldn't remember who.