
Simon's completely wrong about no other band being as good as Stereo Hogz. In fact, X Factor UK and AU have bands better than Stereo Hogz.I want to like Stereo Hogz, but why does only one guy sing? It's more like "a Stereo Hog and his piglet back-up singers."

Just the music on Unsolved Mysteries used to scare the shit out of me.

I though there were going to be zombie sea lions at the end, because all the bodies had been dragged toward the water. Imagine my disappointment when they ended up just fighting zombie tigers. Totally not as cool as zombie sea lions. Rhames could've said, "Juggle this, bitch!"

Ha, you mean where the icon came from or who is it? I got the icon at some "The Young Ones" comm (it's Rik from that show, in case you didn't know); I don't exactly remember which comm it was.

I watched it. I thought it was okay. I don't wear or know accessories, so I don't really have any idea beyond my own personal aesthetic on what a good accessory is. I though Deigo's design was boring and looked like the type of thing my grandma would try to make me wear. Brian's wasteland raider/fiend look was kind of

I live in the city and the nearest school is more than five miles away. That's really not that far. Now, if the nearest school was a 15 minute drive at 50 miles an hour (like my schools when I was a kid), I'd see that slightly more rural. 

How'd you get a hold of my Rick/Shane slash fanfiction!?

I laughed so fucking long and hard watching this episode than I have at any other episode in a while. The part where they showed that Cartman's suicide letter was actually written in Mr. Mackey speech was the clincher for me for some reason. I think the fact that whole episode was completely stupid and absurd just

Sorry. It's Rik Mayall. You may know him from The Young Ones (or Bottom). He's more of a loser than a nerd.

I can't wait to watch this show. I hope it has a theme song similar to "Storage Wars" (*gravelly voice"* Money owns this town, money owns this town, -you know what I'm talking about- money owns this town.) It's my favorite theme song.

I used to watch the Rosie O'Donnell Show while waiting for the Sally Jessy Raphael show to come on. I never thought Rosie's show was all that bad. 

I think I might prefer Zombieland as a sitcom. Then I can just waive away my dislike for it by saying I hate sitcoms (true) instead of having to run down all the reasons I thought the movie didn't work when I tell people I didn't like it. ("Whadda ya mean the characters didn't make sense? Whadda ya mean the

You noticed that too, huh. For some reason it drives me fucking crazy. Every time they show the inside of her and Hank's house I think "Why don't they say something about the PURPLE! Every thing is fucking PURPLE! Where do you get so many purple things?" 

Heh. I read it that way too. Not sure if I want or not…

This and the new 3 Musketeers movie trailers made me laugh my ass off. I'm kind of  disappointed that this one's not completely and laughably terrible. Oh well, I'm still crossing my fingers for 3 Musketeers.

That J. Mark idiot was so obviously a faking faker who fakes… and thinks himself some sort of "comedian." What an asshole.

I can't believe no one has mentioned how fucking creepy Angel and his sister are together. First, Dexter mentions specifically to audience that she is Angel's sister. Then, Angel and the sister go out to dinner and have a whole weird, sexual tension filled scene where he insists that she's not his girlfriend.

I'm watching The X Factor UK and The X Factor AU right now too, so I'm a little overwhelmed with singing shows. But, it is interesting to see the difference. The most interesting thing I've found with the US format is the "old people" category being set at 30 and above and the age limit lowered to 12. That's the US's

I've actually seen worse "dancing." It was the whitest most terrible dancing ever put to film, and most of the dancers were black! It was a David Heavener movie called "For Hire." I wish MST3k could have done some David Heavener movies, his movies are perfect '80's-'90's cheese. 

I love 'Girl in the Gold Boots' ("I'm an icky elf!") and 'Overdrawn at the Memory Bank.' Especially 'Overdrawn at the Memory Bank.' Not many people talk about 'Overdrawn,' except that it has Raul Julia. But, I think it's a hilarious episode. (It's where I got my screename.)