
Well, now I don't really care what happens. I can't even bring myself to hate Christian any more. Ben was my favorite of the contestants that were left, and it certainly got a little dusty in my living room last night. Though, it was awfully cute when Gordon kissed him. He seemed like he didn't want to let Ben go

Oh, the "Are you speaking foreign?" girl, for sure, is terrible. She the one that kept insisting PR had never had a glam, privileged girl on the show and constantly talked about how glam and well-off she was. What an annoying twat. (It's just as annoying when people mention constantly how poor they are, like Gretchen

In regards to Mormon guy:
"See, look. I know I'm homophobic- but not about gay guys. They don't bother me at all. It's straight guys who don't know they're gay. They fuck my shit right up." -King Missile

Danzig FTW.
I need to stop watching the preview for the next show. On Monday night those assholes in the editing room went down the line and showed every one of the crying faces of the team in the elimination challenge.

I've been calling that tatt'ed up freak Jake Gyllenmodo or Jake Gyllenquato. He looks like Jake Gyllenhaal's deformed twin brother.

I missed the last Mystery Box episode, so I though Christian's douchiness started there, but he didn't seem so douchey on the very last episode, so I don't know. The fake rivalry and sudden-onset-douchiness is very annoying.

I didn't like Doug either. I'd watch it sometimes, but I always preferred Rocko's Modern Life or Ren & Stimpy. Doug was just a mildly amusing time-waster, where RML and R&S made me laugh my ass off as a kid. I liked Rugrats a lot too.

Uh… Spoilers probably…

I was wrong.
I complained two weeks ago that I felt this show wasn't for me. It wasn't hitting the right buttons to really draw me in. Yeeeeeah, was I wrong. These two episodes really grabbed me and sucked me into the series. I don't know if it was that these were the episodes that revealed the goal of the series, and

I like kids stuff…
I've read a couple of kids/YA books several times as an adult. "Ella Enchanted," "The Giver," "A Girl Named Disaster"… they are easy, relaxing reads and great books.

I'm a first time watcher, but I don't really have much to say yet. I haven't really decided if I like the show or not. I enjoy children's television and I watch and enjoy a lot of crap, so there really shouldn't be many reasons why I wouldn't like the show. I know that Avatar is a pretty good show, but for some reason

I don't know if it's that I like the format of the Australian show better, or if it's that I enjoy the people more. The Australian competition is so much more fun to watch partly, I think, because the challenges are more interesting and partly because the contestants aren't douchebags. I hate whoever decided that

What, the fandom doesn't have slashers? Is Zuaang a thing?

I've been thinking about watching the show for a while. I've seen the movie twice (with hilarious and snarky commentary -Rifftrax, etc.-, not because I like it) and I've decided that even in the movie I like Zuko's character. I'm assuming the other characters are better in the show than in the movie, but my

I've been wanting someone to sing "Landslide" on Idol for a while. James should have done the Smashing Pumpkins version. I think that would have rocked. Or been awful… could have gone either way.

The 'brow.
Hugh had a unibrow in that picture of him as a kid, it was just blonde. And, yeah. I just watch the show for him now. If he were gone, it would really be hard to tune in.

Ugh, Jacob.
Lauren's version of "Unchained Melody" sounded a hell of a lot better than whoever it was that sung the song on the results show a couple of weeks back (Kris Allen?), but it still kind of sucked. She looked so bored while singing too.

I don't know maybe it's nostalgia talking (okay, it is), but I like older country music a lot better than today's. I not really a fan of country music, so what the fuck do I know.

I have to say…
Give it the fuck up for Scotty, I thought he was pretty great last night. Starting out high and later going into his usual low tone really made the song more interesting for me and once again proved that he does have range. He would be a fabulous country singer; but I can't get my hopes up too much

That song was fucking terrible. I feel sorry for any one who has to listen to that abomination dominate their airwaves; I'm glad I've been able to avoid it. Ugh, and Kayne West continues to be a terrible… rapper (?) or whatever he is.