
Uh, if this app ever exists, you won't be able to have Swype replace the keyboard in anything other than a Swype app, which would probably just be a note-taking app or something. Apple simply won't allow a system-wide keyboard replacement. So, unless you're cool with always copying and pasting whatever you want to

Long awaited by whom?

So, uh... no link?

Foxconn strikes back!

Whoa, where was that last non-gallery photo taken? I mean, I guess it's NY, but where in NY?

So if I ever talk about this phone, I'll just go "Hey, have you heard about the Samsung" and then smile?

"It doesn't have 4G, but even Google's Andy Rubin called this the new "platinum" Android device."

@Nathan Heaps: "NO front facing camera, no keyboard, no 4G, no want."

Oh shit. Now I'm thinking- if I can control my Google TV with my phone, I could have some kick-ass games running on my TV, with my phone as the controller.

Why would it? It works over WiFi.

@pixelpushing: Again, I do not dislike Apple. At all. I have two iPods, an iPad, and a MacBook. I used to own an iPhone.

Heeeell no. I am not paying $90 for that. Hell. No.

Are you /fucking/ kidding me? Apple didn't set a standard for anything! They are not the first to do any of this, and they haven't implemented it the best way. How could they form a standard? This phone isn't even out yet!

Are you fucking serious?

@devianaut: I'm not sure the users should be concerned about making Gizmodo "look better", when the site itself is making the site look worse.

@devianaut: "Gizmodo, please ban people that get on my nerves. Okay, thank you."