@HeartBurnKid: Agent of R.O.A.C.H.: Whose life is being ruined? Gray Powell still has a job and isn't in jail, and neither is Jason Chen.
@HeartBurnKid: Agent of R.O.A.C.H.: Whose life is being ruined? Gray Powell still has a job and isn't in jail, and neither is Jason Chen.
If this is real, then it would have been a lot greater to see it without knowing beforehand. So, I guess, thanks for ruining more surprises.
Alternate headline: "Is Apple going to do something really stupid?"
VOTE: start.io
I am going to throw up.
I'm not at all sure why people would be upset or have an even slightly modified mood by this news. As an Android user, it's... cool, I guess, but not important or game-changing. As an iPod touch owner, it's the same.
@justrick: I don't know why you would...
@Apeiron242: Does trolling pay well, or is a voluntary thing?
@barrywoods: I've never received a text from Mobile Defense, and are you sure WaveSecure does? Because it didn't when I checked it out last...
MobileDefense is, hands down, the best locator app. Why? Because if you have a rooted phone and install it as a system app, it will turn on your GPS remotely if you lose your phone.
SuperDuper for OS X.
@Azubah: Would you fucking cut this shit out? Jesus Christ. Can you not just be happy that your friends that own computers with different OSes get to play the same games you do?