
If I were to become a dictator, I would impose the "Fuck the pedestrian" law.

engineers get wings, she didn't; she was probably sporting the labcoat for fun.

did she say shit?

nice throwback to the beast of the southern wild film
much better executed than that piece of shit matrix kia commercial

love that comment. look at bush, he did plenty of drugs and still ended up to be a president

I came

i usually wear a light coat even when it's -20f out there. for me, alcohol + skates + chainsaw don't mix well.

their choice of characters baffles me, as if no fuck was given.

how can you still drive without the engine?

such bullshit. as if knowing that someone is driving the car with an auto would somehow affect your enjoyment of your own car with a stick.

I don't know why people get freaked out eating scorpions. They are just like tiny lobsters

i love those bells

which MS is that? it reminds me of the queen mansa