Lyft drivers are entirely in control of where or when they work, and this flexibility is exactly why the service is so popular with with people looking to make extra income.
Lyft drivers are entirely in control of where or when they work, and this flexibility is exactly why the service is so popular with with people looking to make extra income.
Congratulations on skipping those pesky words and sentences that I wrote which said “it was his responsibility regardless of what the salesman said
I don’t understand all the ridicule you’re getting here. If he traded it in with nothing in writing about what was to happen to the vinyl decal, then I don’t see what grounds he has. The vehicle, as-is, would belong to the dealership to do whatever they want with. If they decide later not to mess with removing the…
I love how everyone just berated you for not reading the article when you clearly stated “BEFORE going to the dealership NO MATTER WHAT THE SALESMAN SAID.” You clearly read the article and responded appropriately. Didn’t anyone take the time to read your comment?
He should have removed them regardless. You can never be sure who the next owner of a vehicle will be, and if the vehicle is no longer going to be in his business’ ownership then it should not be marked as such.
Don’t use common sense, people will get offended.
It’s also a stupid fucking reason to sue
How is the dealer responsible for this? Joe the plumber here traded his old work truck in for a new one, and the dealership sent it to auction because it was probably clapped out. They don’t have any control over who grabs these at auction
I did read it. If you want something done right do it yourself
Did you miss the part where I said it was his responsibility no matter what the salesman said? Unless it was in writing that the dealership would do it its his own damn fault his truck is being used for jihadist tailgate parties
Why didn’t the moron peel off his company logo before he even went to the dealer. If you ask me it was his responsibility no matter what the salesman said
I have no problem with a motorized cycle, but that one clearly (from the sound) has an internal combustion engine. Wondering how close the nearest gas station is. (Last Gas: 300 Years in the Past)
Let’s all keep pretending it was JJ who ruined Star Trek and not a studio desperate for Young People’s Mindshare.
Yeah your guns will do well against a Reaper drone. Do you honestly believe that if there was some sort of armed civil conflict that your cap guns would be able to defend you from the power of our military? I wish people like you would finally get your day in the Sun and see just how defenseless you would be if the…
They’re racists. Lack of education has always been the problem for these turds.