
I saw this at a screening with Richard Kelly doing a QA before it came out. I remember being equal parts bored and fascinated by the train wreck and when the credits rolled thinking WTF did I just watch?? Then he told the story about how they were going to shoot Justin Timberlake and didn’t have script pages or know

Recently went to one of Chef Ludo’s restaurants and paid I think $9 for fries... which could not be distinguished from fresh McDonald’s fries. They were good. But could only be described as really good McDonald’s fries. Nothing extra. Not a hit of parsley. Not a whiff of Himalayan sea salt. Nothing. To the point where

Unfortunately, the point is that these are ceasing to be fan films when they are raising that kind of money. They are making a “film” film, without owning any of the underlying intellectual property or being accountable for it. It boils down to them using the built-in brand awareness and customer base of the Star Trek