Dude’s a fucking child.
Dude’s a fucking child.
The dude you’re jawing with basically lost out on an opportunity to a creator of color in the past (in regional theatre, if memory serves), it broke his fucking brain, and now legitimately every problem in the country can be magically traced back to “DEI” and “social justice.”
“You can thank the progressive wing of the democratic party for this fubar situation.”
Exactly - the choice between “old man who’s not all there” and “proudly evil old man who’s not all there” should really be an easy one.
Both candidates are terrible. Vote for the one who won’t require a coup to replace if the need arises.
That kid is in his 30's.
Now why you got to make me feel ancient. . . H:LOTS was over 25 years ago. But an awesome soundtrack fo sho.
When I worked at HMV Records on E. 86th St. about 35 years ago, we made Pete Townshend stand in line to buy some albums. He got all huffy and left after about five minutes. I, unfortunately, sat through the entire shitty Who concert I saw in 1982.
561,000 accounts follow him.
You sound criminally dim. No offence.
That rainbow the spaceship made at the end of ET is a real groaner.
I saw Nicole Kidman in line at AMC and she made everything better.
I got a Community notification for this?
the two weirdest guys in the history of weird guys? doing something weird?
I suspect their involvement makes the project a lot easier to promote and draw attention. There may also be a contractual obligation barring the use of other actors doing ADR since this dub is meant for people living in the North American market.
If you can be “driven” to the far right you were probably already there and just not admitting it.
I don’t think Chet is a Neo Nazi but I am 100% sure he has some weird takes on minorities. He absolutely fetishizes black women.
No amount of good DNA is ever going to get you past the fact that your parents named you Chester
You do realize the opioid addiction rates being higher in poor white folks is actually a sign of privilege right? Poor whites are statically more likely to have the bare minimum medical insurance and doctors are far more likely to prescribe opioids to white patients to get them started on that road to addiction.