Has anyone heard of Hollywood Unlocked? I’m almost convinced Majors paid some random magazine to give him this award as part of his comeback.
Has anyone heard of Hollywood Unlocked? I’m almost convinced Majors paid some random magazine to give him this award as part of his comeback.
Also, it’s hard to come back from the media painting you as a cannibal. People are used to woman-beaters. Sadly they don’t mind that so much. They aren’t accustomed to cannibals.
“Is it a complexion issue, or it more complicated than that?”
“Most Morally bankrupt place in the US.”
I’m throwing my vote in for police and the RNC.
What is the entity that gave the award? It looks like it’s basically a tabloid? I don’t know that it really counts as “Hollywood” but I could be wrong.
“David Oyelowo”
Thanks for this comment. It’s really relevant because I definitely said that the problem with Perry is that she uses sex appeal and that she was the only one who does so. You can find both of those things in my written comments for sure, and you absolutely did not completely make them up. Thanks again.
“Anti-feminist? You sound fun.”
I don’t need to have seen the movie to know what she’s saying. I understand the lyric. It’s just bad.
I don’t know. That’s why I’m saying it’s so hard to find facts about what happened or even what is alleged to have happened since it’s so sensationalized with CANNIBALISM. At the time I tried looking into it and all I found was that he sent text messages/DMs/whatever saying things like I want to bite off a piece of…
Yep, I could get into the rap battles of my youth but this one I don’t know what they’re arguing about and I haven’t cared to investigate. I’m happy people are enjoying this. As for me, I’ll wrap my cardigan around my shoulders and get back to my programs.
You’re damn right. lol But it’s not even that it’s a tangent. It’s that someone butted into a conversation about one thing to start talking about another thing. He could have started his own comment thread, especially since however bad you think Kesha’s music is, she hasn’t crafted the same anti-feminist catalogue and…
I don’t listen to their music at all. lol I haven’t heard a single of these diss tracks and wouldn’t know what they were talking about if I did. But that doesn’t mean I don’t understand where rap beefs fit in hip hop culture such that I’m going to sit on my high horse and call them stupid and petty.
And what does that have to do with this conversation, the original thesis of which was that it was petty to say mean things about Katy Perry’s music? Explain how your opinion of the relative artistic value of Kesha’s music relates to this topic because I’m not seeing it?
People have always had beef. Would you rather one of them slapped the other with a glove and they had a swordfight duel like in the old days? Was that more civilized? Less stupid and petty?
This article made me feel so very, very old. Though, thankfully, not as old as these people who are apparently still bragging about being at Live Aid.
lol Top 5 (at most!) opening lyrics in history.
Okay but again, she didn’t “out” a SA victim.
Yes, and I always figured it was some sort of normal rebellion against what I understand to have been a fundie Christian upbringing, but it turns out she just wanted the fun parts of the rebellion like sex and cleavage, and not the hard parts like questioning of a patriarchal society and rejection of rape culture.