
I agree with almost everything in this comment except 15 being the absolute worst in the series. I think it’s certainly the biggest disappointment and encapsulates a whole bunch of aspects that have dragged the series down over the last couple decades, but I would still rather play 15 than the original Final Fantasy

I disagree on the principle that I didn’t even fully understand the plot and what was happening until years later when I got the big fancy FFXV special edition book that explains all of it. Almost every time a major plot beat happened I *thought* I understood it, until I didn’t because they barely explained anything. I

That’s a good question. I’m assuming if someone is technical enough to be running stuff like this they likely have a well paying job that can afford them the opportunity to do stuff like that, but really, who knows. I’d love to find out. The big companies I’m sure it’s all about cost vs ROI and how it would compete

I’m diehard physical media. However, one aspect of this I don’t see talked about much is the space of the games. PS5 discs can hold about 100GB of data, right? (please correct me if I’m wrong) Yet we still have some games ballooning way past that size, requiring downloads even if you purchased it physically. If


It’s convenient and nice to binge a whole season of television in one night but I find it much more difficult to absorb and discuss the show with people this way.

Some of the most fun I have ever had with television was waiting week to week during both parts of season 5 of Breaking Bad because there was so much

Christmas ‘98, I was 7 years old. Didn’t have a GameBoy, up to that point in my life all my gaming was purely Super Nintendo and N64 and I was still hyped with my N64 from the last year or so.

We went to visit grandparents on my mom’s side first. I unwrapped Pokemon Blue and Yellow as two of my gifts. Score. Absolute

The 10 year old still trapped in my brain would like to argue that I am a Pokemon Master with all the badges and therefore it makes *perfect* sense for the flaming, house-sized bird that shoots fire from its beak to get in the ring with an Onix if I feel like it.

Old man yelling at cloud moment here, I realize, but I think I stopped caring about legendaries when gen 3 came out. Some were neat, but there were too many (imo) in that gen, and a lot of them did not feel ‘legendary’ to me (and ya’ll can roast me, the Regis are the lamest, ugliest legendaries in the first 3 gens).

Zelda is my favorite franchise ever. I just love it to death.

I don’t see this being good. Nintendo can’t even get voice acting in a Zelda game to be even half-decent. Mario was a great movie thanks to Nintendo oversight, but that’s animation.

I mean, I can see this really working if they dump an absolute shitload of

Man, I saw Legend for the first time a couple years ago and I thought the same thing throughout the whole movie. Just screamed Legend of Zelda to me.

Absolutely this. It’s amazing how that adds to the immersive experience of a game like RDR2. It actually makes me really try to nail a clean shot, because the sight and especially sounds of a wounded animal are pretty gnarly. I love/hate it (and I love that I love/hate it). Pretty crazy stuff.

This is so fucking stupid it hurts.

Maybe if you stopped thinking about yourself, it would become easier to understand why subscription services are so popular. Whole lot of reasons why sub services have been so popular and so successful for decades. Might want to look into it.

The talking flower is cool. The voice kind of threw me though. Just weird hearing a voice like that in a Mario game - with the few voices they have had, it stands out.

Absolutely gorgeous looking game, looks inspired and fresh, like the developers really had some fun with this one. Can’t wait to get this.

Bingo! Hard agree.


Anecdotally, I know I’m in a very small minority, but Forspoken is still one of my favorite games of the year, warts and all. It’s a solid 7/10 with some really big problems, but it feels super fun to play, so despite all the bitching from reviews and saying how it doesn’t do anything well, it actually got me

So he’s the most popular streamer on Twitch (this month) and decides to hold a giveaway of much wanted items, in one of the biggest cities in the world, with no heads up, and with zero foresight of how that might play out. Oooookay.

I have absolutely zero interest in these games beyond comparing how my 90s nostalgia stacks up against the characters they choose to be in these.

I legit LOLed when I saw the grandma from Hey Arnold make it in here. But they chose her and not Curly? I saw the ball monitor episode. That guy could be Shaggy meme-level

1. Kids these days need to know about Donkey Lips so I agree.
2. Damn we might be the only two people on the planet who remember My Brother and Me.
3. We can’t have live action and not have Artie, the strongest man in the world.

Reading is hard.

“The European Union dropped new regulations demanding future consumer tech products, including gaming handhelds like successors to the Nintendo Switch and Steam Deck, have user-replaceable batteries by 2027.”