
The game itself doesn’t cost anything beyond the pennies per day the subscription costs, Mr. Pedantic.

Yeah I really like these too. Definitely gonna try this.

Meaningful content here.


That is horrible advice for people who are already throwing shit at you. They would not be affected by that.

I want this woman to beat me up and call me names.

I am not into shooters or multiplayer or online games, so that’s a hard pass brotha. Hahaha

The passage of time fills me with existential terror.

Fortnite has singlehandedly made me feel more like an old man at the age of 30 than any other game and I don’t even play it.

You can keep The Minish Crap, but Oracles in LA Remake style? Sweet zombie Jesus. Yes.

Hey, you’re preaching to the choir. I’ve been screaming into the void for an F-Zero successor to GX for over 15 years now. At this point I would settle for an HD port to the Switch so I don’t have to worry about ‘other ways’ to play it nowadays. Pikmin 4 would be lovely as well. A new Wave Race too, as long as they

But let’s be real. Nintendo has billions in the bank. I think that would be a stronger argument if they were hurting or if this was in the Wii U era even. I suppose in the very literal sense it is ‘harmful’ but I guess I perceive that word differently because we’re just talking about optional purchases for an

How is it harmful? Not trying to be argumentative but I don’t see that. Morally repugnant? Maybe? Wrong in the sense that it’s frustrating and clearly a move to increase their quarterly/yearly numbers? Yeah, for sure. Businesses gonna business. I don’t see what’s inherently *harmful* though. Harmful to whom?

This argument rests on a hypothetical assumption that the lifetime sales will automatically eclipse the sales induced by FOMO - sales which are almost guaranteed what the execs are banking on. And they may have a plan to sell the games individually. We just don’t know. They want to drive sales because it’s the end of

F-Zero. Good one.

*cries silently in a dark dusty corner with a copy of GX*

Holy shit. Now I’m sad that will never happen.

Bro I would pay good money to play Wave Race 64 on my Switch, tf you talking about.

Well, I’m pretty sure there is a reason. It’s just not one we like.

It’s far less anime-y than Xenoblade. Personally I think the card based battle system is really cool (especially with how you can make powerful combos by selecting the numbers on the corners of the cards), and the cards can change/evolve over real time, like fruit Magnus will eventually turn to rotten fruit, some

I use Kalas as a screen name too! In fact I have bluetooth capable sunglasses and Kalas was the first device name that popped into my head for it. Enjoy Origins. If you haven’t played it before, I hope you have a blast and enjoy some of the twists on the original gameplay especially in the battle system. I think the