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    Tesla and other vehicles do have dead-man-switches that automatically put the car into park. Unfortunately not all of them do still which is ridiculous when you think that all modern vehicles already have the sensors to detect when there’s nobody in the drivers seat. Fisker is one of them.

    It’s safe to say that you, Rowan, and other hydrogen advocates haven’t realized that not only does it take energy to produce, process, and transport hydrogen, but that it takes 3 TIMES the amount of energy to produce, process, and transport hydrogen than it does to just dump the electrons directly into a battery.

    And They and most other places were all paying over MSRP for nearly all vehicles during that time because of the vehicle shortage. There’s nothing unique about the Bronco.

    Yep exactly. The boring tunnel simply does what it was designed to do with no hassle or fuss at a cost that’s literally an order of magnitude cheaper than a public subway system and done with private money, not public tax dollars. I use it every time I’m there for CES and it’s fine and “boring”.... which is much

    Because many have tried but failed. That’s the reality that people like you without any knowledge in public infrastructure and civil engineering do not understand. Not only are we talking about billions of dollars with public subway as opposed to millions with the boring loop, but a subway system uses public money (ie

    Looks like nobody in Chicago knows how to operate an EV in the cold, while literally everywhere else were it is cold and colder they have been operating EVs just fine. So what the hell is going on in Chicago?

    And yet we have heard nothing about all the EV owners in Michigan struggling to charge. I wonder why? Seems like something is up in chicago land.

    It’s a viper.... so no. Why is this even a question?

    Driving an inefficient big truck on a road trip requires more refueling than a regular more efficient car? Wow, no shit sherlock. But this is Jalop we are talking about so every little basic thing surprises these kids. What’s next? “OMG towing with the cybertruck on a roadtrip causes even less range than expected!

    Seeing how there’s an entire billion dollar sport and billion dollar movie franchise only based on acceleration, this shouldn’t surprise you.

    It’s obvious Elon misspoke rather than simply lieing. If he would have correctly said 1/8th mile rather than 1/4 mile than there would be no wrong facts said at all.

    Lawrence Hodge has already shown many times already just how incompetent and stupid he is. Surprised that he has survived for this long when he has the mindset of a 10 year old.

    They already exist as PHEVs. And guess what, they simply don’t sell as well as pure EVs especially compared to Tesla. Additionally, even though you now get the benefits of both gas and electric, you get the worst of both too. So you still need to do oil changes, still need to deal with a non-simple changing

    No, this is Montana. Do you seriously just not read the headline and head straight for the comment just to make stupid wrong assertions?

    Or you know maybe just maybe what Elon has been doing has actually been technically legal dancing on that line even though you personally hate it. He would have been charged and convicted a long time ago since there is an entire army of folks like you and within multiple powerful industries that have always wanted to

    This is years old now. It has already been resolved since.

    Exactly. You may not like it, but the family screwed up the minute they used that word that has a very specific legal definition.

    No, having two separate controls is exactly why this occurs in the first place. SUA has always occurred even before EVs with all the many stories of gas vehicles doing the exact same thing. By making the controls literally just one pedal that is simply PRESS PEDAL = GO and NO PRESS PEDAL = STOP, you make driving as

    There will be more as more confused gas drivers make the transition to EV, but that will all go away as one-pedal driving becomes the norm. Because in that situation nobody “panics” thinking they have to press harder on the pedal they are currently pressing in order to slow down. They instinctively slow down by

    Test a product before even developing it? Yeah seems like you’re not that smart. Just stop please. Not doing yourself any favors here.