Electric Dream Machine

Mike Tomlin stands on an NFL football field during live play...you think he’s gonna be told where he can and can’t stand at a high school football game?

If you think “Sit back, relax and enjoy” could kinda’ sorta’ allude to rape, you must see rape allusions everywhere.

At this point, it feels like he is just trolling everyone, laughing at all the suckers that think he will finish the series.

What isn’t wrong with a clip-on?

Nope, not a Texas fan. Just a fan of seeing Bautista get decked.

“Maybe if we wear red Odor won’t know who to destroy.”

Oh, a Blue Jays post? Don’t mind if I do.

It makes me want those leaf-shaped maple cookies.

Disagree. I just watched it the other day. The jokes, the timing, the villain, all infinitesimally superior to anything I’ve seen him write since.

“the head of a player who is currently being,”

Seen later:

I’m a firm believer it should always be Porzingis vs Drovell.

Meander Gatherer?

Less go shake der hans

In older models (particularly the 1947 Deluxe Gas Princess) it can be used as a foot soaking tub. Since, as a woman, you’d be spending most of your time in front of it.

After receiving Christmas gifts from his mother and father intended for him and his girlfriend, actress Olivia Munn, Rodgers reportedly returned them two months later. The day before the wedding of a very close friend, Rodgers texted that he couldn’t make it. He also reportedly fired a business manager he had

I think they should get all of the Mikes they can. Mike Lupica, Mike Francesa, Mike Wise, Mike Wilbon, Mike Tyson. Just get them all in the same studio, and call the show What You Deserve For Listening to Sports Radio.

I’ve always wondered why Darius Rucker never put out a solo album entitled “Hootie Is My Slave Name”

I can think of another new symbol that more accurately gauges fan interest

The Gang Gives Frank an Intervention being ranked 115 immediately invalidates the rest of this list.