Electric Dragon

Says someone who has never seen Warriors of the Deep or The Horns of Nimon.

For people who haven’t heard the Archers (and people who have), here’s what it sounds like if you’re only half listening:

“also who knew Vibe would be the highlight of a superhero show?”

What the fuck does this even mean? How do you believe Global Road should pay its actors and writers and set designers and transportation staff? Or do you suppose those people should be paid in good wishes and moonbeams and copies of bad movies? I don’t believe those things have a particularly high exchange rate with

Shorter NYT op-ed:

I would also pitch in and recommend a couple of mods - Minerva:Metastasis if you prefer more classic run and gun with superb level design (Adam Foster, who developed it, creates wonderfully dense levels featuring lots of verticality. Foster later got hired by Valve and there are definitely parts of Portal 2 that have

My favourite enemy sound effect is the poison headcrab rattlesnake-esque noise, it always makes me go “oh f—” and start panicking, because even though they can’t kill you it is not fun to watch your health dropping rapidly.

Jim Caviezel’s type these days is surely “taciturn ex-assassin turned ass-kicking angel of justice on behalf of introverted tech genius and shadowy AI”

The definitive British brand is Tunnock’s Teacakes.

Thank you for your service, Matt. Gameological in all its forms is a lovely little haven of niceness in the gaming internet (I mean, Kotaku isn’t quite as bad as its reputation sometimes had it...) I do miss the regular games content here which seems to have dwindled considerably from even the pre-Kinja days, let

I wouldn’t do that, it’s a load-bearing poster.

How do you know they’re not Muslim?

I, for one, welcome our new Martian Viet Cong overlords. I’d like to remind them that as a trusted internet commenter, I can be helpful in rounding up others to toil in their underground iron mines.

I never Kinja’d my Thot Gor gimmick account from the DS9 days, so instead have this:

It certainly appears that quite a few people got the shaft.

The AV Club has not disb....oh who am I trying to kid? *Also jumps out of window*

I shall cue up a playlist including The Fall, Boards of Canada, Aphex Twin and The Haxan Cloak in your memory.

It’s (appropriately enough) “Coronation Scot” by Vivian Ellis, although in this case it refers to the steam train of that name. It was well known as the theme to the popular radio detective drama “Paul Temple”.

It’s important to note that this is under the old rules, because that’s when the offences occurred. Under the GDPR that came into force a couple of months ago, the fines are MUCH heavier, potentially up to 4% of global turnover.