
After 20 years of cohabitation, 14 years of marriage, it all crumbled. Took me a little while, but it turned out to be the best thing that’s ever happened to me! I love love love living alone! I’m a socially-anxious introvert and spending my evenings in calmness is soooooo wonderful. I don’t even know if I’ll ever be i

I can shorten this article by 10000%:

How To Enjoy Living Alone:

1) Live with 2 kids, 3 dogs, and a grumpy spouse for a week.
2) Move out and live alone, hear silence for the first time in a decade.

I’m at a place in life where I can no longer see ever sharing a home again.  If I ever decide to get in a relationship again it will be with the understanding that we keep separate residences.  Society gets so bombarded by these messages that tell us we have to find a partner and get married and live together and have

I LOVE living alone. I think the hardest part of being married was having to share my home. :)

When I first starting dating my gf, she kept telling me that I didn’t need to keep impressing her with my cooking. It took her about 4 months to accept that this is just how I always cook whether I am eating alone or with a guest.

A friend of mine recently gave me some elk back strap that will be the centerpiece of one meal, I’m on the West Coast and hear the Dungeness is really good this year, so that will probably be another, and probably a spicy chicken coconut curry.

I’m single with 8 and 10 year old daughters and most of my meals—especially on weekdays—consist of something reasonably healthy and ultra easy and quick, but on those glorious nights that they are at a sleepover or visiting their grandparents or something, I go all out. Their grandparents are taking them on a trip for

As a single person, how much cheese is an adequate amount to “budget” per month? Also, is it tax deductible as an investment in my happiness? There’s no significant other telling me “that’s enough cheese” and you failed to address this even though i know many singles love cheese to a sickening amount.

i hope all the athletes take a knee during the opening ceremony...

When “sensible” people whine about “both sides”, they are technically correct. They just don’t recognize that the two sides are the right side and the wrong side.

Greta being Greta, she responded appropriately in her Twitter Profile.

I get to write about video games for a living, have cheap rent (thanks Kansas!) but also have fast internet because I live near Kansas City.

Its kinda fun to play off your comments. You set em up, I knock em down.

(And I LOVE that Trump is trying his best Mariah.  “I don’t know her”?!?  The guy donated millions to your election campaign.)

One thing I’ll point out is that that number-22-is the *minimum* number, and the actual number is almost certainly higher. People like to play Armchair Statistician when we talk about the murders of trans folks, and conveniently ignore that a lot of trans folks who are murdered get categorized as “crossdressers” or

“There are plenty of good kettles on both sides.” - POT(US)

An older friend of mine once recounted one of my embarrassing incidents from the 6th grade (which I won’t go into here) *at my graduation party.*

Definitely don’t leave an expensive sex toy wrapped up in that pile of sheets or you’ll have to talk to management, who will then go into another room and ask the staff if they found said item, in which case you will hear shrieks of laughter and tittering in Spanish, and then the manager will return with the expensive