
“Women have always fought,” he said.

You get 100 gummi bear points:

We did not, but the sentiment is still apprechiated.

“It does, however, create a certain amount of waste, as you simply throw each sheet away once you’re done with it.”

Clearly it’s not okay to murder someone, but

Not really. And we’re still talking about someone who tried to murder another person, because that person didn’t disclose they used to have a male name.
2nd, you said “catfishing” and that quite frankly is a shitty way of saying that a trans woman will never be a “real” woman, because you would never say that about an

“some dude stabbed a trans woman in the face 20 times for catfishing him and not telling him their gender.”

Eh...that doesn’t make any sense. If she is a transwoman, then her gender is female and the guy stabbing her is obviously a psycho, because who the fuck does that?
So what did you mean exactly?

*sigh* The one time I trust my memory...thanks!

Still not what this post is about

English language then, which doesn’t change the point.

Btw., regarding white minorities, yes, those languages were affected as well, the difference is that today those are treated very differently as an important part of culture, for example the way Gaelic is actively kept alive without it being treated as inferior.


But this is not what this post is about, it’s specifically about ingenious languages in Canada. Picking some statistic out of it and making it about American accents aka the language of the people actually responsible for killing ingenious people, is super tone-deaf.

“If I can break the CW’s hold on my daughter.”

False equivalent

Struwwelpeter, Wilhelm Busch, the original fairytales

You could describe so many women like that and I bet you’d choose other words and less contempt. Equality goes both ways

Why should he? For you? Other fans? Because no matter what, in the end no one gives a fuck about what he wants or does as long as he delivers.

He is not obligated to write any books just to get impatient “fans” off his back. Wtf is wrong with you?

What the fuck???

Get a trailer by Chariot/Thule. Expensive but super comfortable and safe, both for the kid and you. My sister lives in a very bike friendly city and that’s a brand most parents buy.