
I have olive oil made in Tunesia for my everyday use and this is great stuff, so I get your point. With this it’s not about Italy making superior products (though they’re awesome when it comes to olive oil and parmesan cheese), but companies using their reputation while selling inferior stuff that is not from Italy.


She’ll eat him for breakfast.

They used to have those, but companies stopped supplying them, especially the ones based in Europe.

Our military is kind of not prepared for conflict, sorry. ;-)

Eh....no. Only as part of the NATO if it should be necessary because of Russia.

No, then the text’d have said that in order to overcome shyness you have to beat up 50 strangers. Then your example’d have worked.

“Bar soap, when used at a sink, tends to sit it the soap dish with water for too long. It gets slimy and feels disgusting. (That’s why shower racks are ideal—drainage.) It also can cause a mess, leaving soap scum all over your bathroom counter. What a pain!”

An introvert isn’t automatically a lone wolf. Loneliness is also different from solitude. Being lonely sucks, but solitude is awesome.

Do you have an example? Fruits contain a lot of sugar, but with everything you only get problems if you eat way too many, especially if they’re dried.

If you for example compare raw cane sugar with refiened sugar, one has other added things like fibre, minerals and vitamins, it comes with a package that makes it less easier for your body to actually get to that sugar.

Take white bread (which almost always has lots of added sugar on top of the already very white

That’s what I meant with “isolated” sugar, it doesn’t come with the benefits. That’s why the label “added sugar” is helpful, because it tells you how much of the sugar doesn’t come with benefits and can be counted towards the recommended maximum amount.

There is a difference between isolated sugar aka added sugar or sugar that is part of the product itself. That’s why the WHO’s recommended maximum intake of sugar only applies to isolated sugar. Your body reacts in a different way to an apple or some candy.

I’m very happy with shaming sexist/racist ideas out of existence. Extremely happy. I mean...getting percieved as a person and not some object is a wonderful thing. Btw, I’m not from the US, so your and my idea of “left” might differ, just in case.

Then basically anything is censorship instead of progress/change/growing awareness. *shrugs* Though it’s pretty hilarious that someting like a boob window warrants such an exaggeration. It's sacred I guess?

No, what you’re saying is that a company maybe changing a costume due to how their audience’s perception has changed means censoring their products. I’d call it logical and listening to customers. Sparrows and canons. Words like censorship should never be used lightly.

Doesn't change my answer in the least. :-)

Censorship is the government denying your right of freedom of speech. A company changing some stuff is essentially their damn right, plus since a company exists to make money, changing stuff has mostly that intersst at heart. So...not doing certain stuff anymore is a company telling you they make more money with

It’s cool that your cows are treated ok, but that’s not how the major players make profit.

That’s because if you want to sell raw milk you have to follow a ton of rules and then it’s a perfectly safe product. I wouldn’t drink raw milk from non-certified farms either.
At least in Germany you can only sell it within 24 hours and you have to test it like all the time, plus you can only sell it directly at the

Organic means more space for a cow, they’re actually allowed to go outside (there is no guaranteed pasture with most conventional farms and it depends where they’re based and how big the farm is), they’re allowed to socialize (which is hugely important, because cows tend to form very strong friendships), they get